Monday, February 27, 2012

IRS Coming After Patriotic Groups!



IRS Questioning Patriotic Groups!                  2/26/12

I am forwarding this note to the leaders of patriotic groups all across America, and hope you will do the same.

It appears the IRS has decided to aggressively investigate multiple non-profit, politically active, patriotic groups. If you are one of those being investigated, you will probably want to join a call that has been organized for tomorrow, Tuesday, 2/28 at 6pm Eastern. Click on this link to register for the call.

If you are not aware of what is happening, you can check out this letter that was posted by a KY 912 Group. There are groups all across the country who have received similar threatening letters.

On a separate note, we are trying to get in touch with every person challenging an incumbent (during the primary) for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. If you would, please reply with the email address, name, state and district number of all challengers you are aware of. We are hoping to coordinate a nationwide effort to take on the establishment.


In Liberty,

Tim Cox



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Tim Cox | Rio Gabriel Ranch | Liberty Hill, TX 78642

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