Wednesday, January 21, 2015

TODAY: call your Senators and Representative and tell them NO on Obama's power grab

End Global Governance

Dear Friend:

Well, it happened, just like we said. 

Obama, in last night's State of the Union address, asked both parties of Congress to give him even more power under the guise of "Fast Track" trade authority.

He said that the goal was to "protect" American workers with strong new trade deals.  But we know better.  Fast Track transfers more power from Congress to the President, outsources our sovereignty and kills American manufacturing.

Patriots can stop this constitutional power grab.

Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121, ask to be connected to your Representative and both Senators. Tell them "DON'T GIVE FAST TRACK TRADE AUTHORITY TO OBAMA"

It is outrageous that Republicans who complain about Obama's abuse of executive power now want to give him more.  The President is trying to give trade preferences to Sharia law countries like Brunei and will set up a global court system that trumps our U.S. Supreme Court.

This must stop. It's up to us. "Don't Give Fast Track to Obama". Calling will take just a few minutes.


Stephani Scruggs, End Global Governance

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Stopping Obama's Power Grab, the day after the State of the Union Address

End Global Governance

Dear Friend:

Obama will give the State of the Union address tonight.  He is likely to ask Congress for even more executive authority with Fast Track trade authority. End Global Governance and our coalition members have been in Washington working to stop Republicans from capitulating.  But we need your help.

Today, we need you to sign a petition telling your Representative that you are against Obama's Fast Track power grab.

Tomorrow, we need you to call your Representative and tell them the same.  We'll send you a message with more detail then.

Fast Track will give take away the power given IN THE CONSTITUTION to congress to administer the terms of trade and trade agreements.

It will allow the president impose new laws on our country, through International rules, that impact immigration, climate, food and product safety, human rights and buy American statutes.  Some Republicans want to give Obama this vast grant of executive power.

Conservatives helped beat back Fast Track last year.  If we do the same this year, then we won't have to worry about it for a a long time. 

End Global Governance has been on the hill, advocating against Fast Track and the trade and global governance deals.  But, your representatives need to hear from you.

Today, sign the petition telling your Representative that you are against Obama's Fast Track power grab.

Tomorrow, on January 21st, the day after the State of the Union address, we're going to send out an action asking you to call your Representatives and tell them to SAY NO TO FAST TRACK.

Be ready.  Together, we can do this. 


Stephani Scruggs, End Global Governance

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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Tell Boehner and Ryan - No Fast Track for Obama

End Global Governance
Friend --

We were in DC this past Tuesday telling GOP freshmen that they should not give President Obama even more authority through Fast Track trade authority. You can see the pictures on our twitter account (which I hope you will follow!)

Despite the President's abuse of power on issues like immigration and climate change, John Boehner and Paul Ryan (the new Ways and Means Committee chairman) want to give Obama more executive power through Fast Track trade authority.  Fast Track will allow Obama to use treaty diplomacy to make new global rules on immigration, climate, tax, finance, health care and other issues under the guys of "trade agreements."

Take Action:  Call John Boehner's office (202-225-6205) and Paul Ryan's office (202-225-3031).  Tell them "As a conservative, I do not want Fast Track authority given to the President. Obama will create more trade deficits and more global rules on immigration, the environment, other other rules.  Please do not give Obama even more executive authority."

Stephani Scruggs, End Global Governance

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