Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Stop Paul Ryan and the Trade Assault on US Sovereignty

obama-executive-order-2.jpgDear Friend:

We cannot let this happen in the House. Please take a moment and call your Representative!

The Senate voted to give Obama the power to change domestic and foreign policy through Fast Track trade authority.

Obama will use this authority to give trade benefits to Brunei, which just instituted Sharia Law.

Obama will use this authority to give trade benefits to Malaysia, which is on the State Department list of worst human trafficking offenses.

At this very moment, Rep. Paul Ryan and the House GOP whip team are arm-twisting congressmen every day to support Fast Track next week.

We need you to call your Representative TODAY to protect our Constitution against Obama.

PLEASE take a moment and call your Congressman.  Either:

1.  Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected; OR

2.  Call your Representative directly. You can look up your congressman's number here. (If you don't know who your Representative is, you can look it up here.)

3.  When you are connected, say: "I am calling to request that [name of Representative] oppose Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority.  Congress should debate trade bills under the 'regular order,' not unique Fast Track procedures.

Then: forward this email to five people. 


Crista Huff, Colorado Tea Party Organizer

End Global Governance · United States
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Friday, May 8, 2015

Jindal and Huckabee say "no trade authority to Obama"

obama_power-grab1.jpgDear Friend:

Mitch McConnell started the process. Over the objection of constitutional conservatives, McConnell is moving to have the Senate vote to give Obama enormous power to change domestic and foreign policy through Fast Track trade authority.

Click here to help stop it.

Bobby Jindal, Jeff Sessions, Jim Jordan, Mike Huckabee, Donald Trump, Carly Fiorina, Steve King and many others oppose this executive power giveaway.

Obama will use this authority to give trade benefits to Brunei, which just instituted Sharia Law.

Obama will use this authority to give trade benefits to Malaysia, which is on the State Department list of worst human trafficking.

Donald Trump: "…the Obama Trans-Pacific Partnership and fast track are a bad, bad deal for American businesses. With the dismal Obama track record, why should a Republican Congress give him more power and gut the Constitution to do it?"

Governor Jindal: "I am not for giving more authority to a president who ignores the Constitution, the separation of powers and the will of the American people."

We are in a critical time. This vote will come down to the wire. Your Senators and Representative need to hear from you today.

Click here to take action and protect our Constitution against McConnell and Obama.

Then: please forward this message to five people.


Dena Espenscheid, American Grassroots Council; Coalition for a Strong America

End Global Governance · United States
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