Monday, August 26, 2013

Obamacare: Premiums UP $3k Since 09!

Obamacare Hurts, Not Heals


Since taking office in 2009, Obama has repeated, ad nauseam, the fact that his healthcare plan would cut premiums by $2,500 in the first term. This very welcome promise came on the tails of various other promises that would make health care more affordable and accessible.

Well, much like the rest of this train wreck we call Obamacare, premiums have not gone down by a penny, instead they have climbed $2,976 since 2009!

Obamacare has become one of the biggest legislative train wrecks in American history. No stage of its implementation has gone as planned and the taxpayers are suffering dearly. Luckily, Contract From America signers Sens. Mike Lee and Ted Cruz are stepping up to the plate to defund it!

By refusing to fund the government if Obamacare is a part of the funding, these conservative leaders are making it clear: Taxpayers will NOT foot the bill for bad policy!

The Contract From America was designed to encourage this kind of leadership, and as the Obamacare battle draws near we must double down and let all self-proclaimed conservatives know that we are watching!

Donate right now to help us keep politicians to their word and defund Obamacare! As this battle rages on in Washington, we will be there every step of the way to bring your message directly to the leaders in Congress. We will make sure to provide you with reports on our progress and where we see the legislation going.

Our nation cannot afford anymore of this President's failed big-government policies. We must be the change we wish to see by standing tall in the face of opposition from liberals and pseudo-conservatives alike. Can we count on you? Stand with the Contract From America and make a donation today!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Do you think Scott Walker should be President?

Early Results Continue To Stream In


Our 2016 Presidential Poll continues to fuel debate all across the conservative base and we wanted to deliver you some early results! Here are the top 3 as they stands today:

1) Sen. Rand Paul - 83%
2) Gov. Scott Walker - 75%
3) Sen. Ted Cruz - 73%


7) Sen. Marco Rubio - 59%
24) Gov. Jeb Bush - 31%
Last Place) Gov. Chris Christie - 18%

The polls are not closed. Make your voice heard by taking the poll today!

Click the image below to take our poll!

This poll is cutting-edge in its crowd-sourcing methodology. It works best when more and more people participate! Already, hype has been building and our 2016 Presidential Poll has been featured in news articles and in chatter throughout the conservative grassroots.

So what are you waiting for? Click here to take the 2016 Presidential Poll today!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

Paid for by Contract From America
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee
Donations are not deductible for income tax purposes

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Replace Lindsey Graham!

Contract From America is forwarding this special message to you from our friends at Nancy Mace for U.S. Senate. Sponsorships like this help us fight the battle to keep America free and elected officials responsible. All personal information of Contract From America subscribers is kept in strict confidence and never shared with sponsors.We appreciate your support.
- Contract From America
Nancy Mace Header

Nancy Mace  Dear Patriot,

It's time to replace Lindsey Graham. As a South Carolinian, I am thankful for the service he has performed for our country and our state in the Senate, but he has demonstrated more and more every year that he is out of touch with Conservative voters. From his criticism of Senator Rand Paul's filibuster in support of civil liberties to siding against America as part of the Gang of Eight amnesty crafters, Graham has made it blatantly clear what many of us have known for years. Lindsey Graham is no conservative. Help me fight his well-filled war chest with your donation. Our republic can no longer afford him.

I'm Nancy Mace and I am running to replace Lindsey Graham. I am running for Senate to represent the State of South Carolina and give our country yet another Senator who will actually side with the Constitution and freedom. Unlike Lindsey Graham, I will not go along to get along, selling out the American people. Unlike Lindsey Graham, I will not mock and attack the fight for civil liberties. Unlike Lindsey Graham, I will not blindly trust government because I believe in what James Madison said, "The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse." 


Please make your most generous contribution of $15, $25, $35, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford to my campaign today, and help me start this run off right.

Americans cannot afford blind trust in our elected officials. That is never what the founders intended. We have a system of checks and balances for a reason. We all need to remember that there is power in your vote and there is power in your donation. The final check to balance the system is from the voters to oust elected officials who fail to uphold their oath of office to defend the Constitution as Lindsey Graham has. If you stand for freedom, then I ask that you stand with me as I seek to oust Lindsey Graham from office. Any amount that you can donate will help me fight his deep pockets.

Lindsey Graham took an oath as a member of the Senate, but in siding so frequently with the Democrats and against the Constitution, he has shown that the oath that he took has grown meaningless to him. The future of our republic is too precious to continue to leave someone in office simply because he has served for so long. If the oath to defend and protect the Constitution is no longer honored, then that person is no longer fit to serve the American people. Graham must go!

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You see I grew up during the Reagan years. I believe our 40th president understood what being an American was all about. He was proud, resolute, and he was an eternal optimist. Our friends knew he would be steadfast and our enemies respected him. President Reagan helped regain our national pride, but he also left us with a powerful warning. He said, 'Freedom is never more than a generation away from extinction. We must fight for it, protect it, and defend it.' I think those words ring true now more than ever.

Lindsey Graham is not fighting for freedom. He is fighting against it.  We can do better!

Nancy Mace  Family

South Carolina families and businesses deserve better. My roots are here and I learned about the importance of sacrifice and service from my father who was a Brigadier General and my mother who was a teacher. Their guidance inspired me to break barriers in attending the Citadel and being the first female graduate. I want to continue to break barriers by doing what some might see as unlikely...unseating a long serving Senator with deep pockets

If you want real change, then I ask that you donate whatever you can. $5, $10, $25 or any amount that you can give. Your donation will help me be a voice for all Americans who believe in liberty. We cannot change Washington unless we change who we send to Washington. Help me get to DC so that I can stand with Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Mike Lee as defenders of freedom and the Constitution. 

Donate  Here


Paid for by Friends of Nancy Mace

295 Seven Farms Drive, Suite C - 186, Charleston, SC 29492
Phone: 843.633.1422
Friends of Nancy Mace Copyright 2013. All rights reserved.


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