Monday, September 26, 2016

Tell Congress No TPP During Lame Duck!

End Global Governance
Friend --

President Obama and the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) fully intend to bring Obamatrade to a vote during a lame duck session of Congress! That is when they are LEAST accountable to the voters.

The clock is ticking!

We know that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is nothing but harmful to the US, our jobs, our companies and our sovereignty. But we need YOU to tell your Representative and Senators that. There is nothing more powerful than your voice as a constituent. 

Let's take our country back!

Tell your Representatives and Senators to OPPOSE pushing this international monstrosity through a lame duck vote, right after the general election, when it's too late to hold Congress accountable! Tell them: Say "NO" to lame duck voting and "NO" to the TPP!


End Global Governance

End Global Governance · United States
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