Wednesday, March 23, 2011

CoLA Kick Off Meeting - Saturday, March 26


Richard S. Gillis, Jr./Ashland Branch Library
201 S. Railroad Avenue
Ashland, VA 23005

Driving Directions

Saturday March 26, 2011 from 10:30 AM to 3:00 PM EDT
Add to my calendar

Need more info?

This is the first CoLA meeting of the year; all those who wish to participate on the CoLA committee must be in attendance.

Participation is not limited to group leaders, it is open to everyone interested - please use the link below to forward to anyone who is interested in participating. It is critical that all interested parties attend this meeting, as we will be voting on structure and process for the balance of 2011 and the 2012 General Assembly.
After a detailed review of the "Lessons Learned" from CoLA's first year, we will discuss and vote on the organizational structure, decision processes and timeline.  We will form committees and elect leadership for 2011.
(FYI...a few of the suggested, high-interest issues for the upcoming year are UN Agenda 21, the new national Health Care Compact, Immigration and also fiscal issues as 2012 is a budget year for the VA General Assembly.)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fwd: Reminder: Dessert with Ken; Virginia Prayer Caucus

From: Brenda Pogge <>
Date: Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 8:41 PM
Subject: Reminder:

"Prayers should be made...for all that are in authority."

I Timothy 2: 1, 2
Delegate Brenda Pogge Newsletter
96th District, Virginia House of Delegates               March 22, 2011

Dear Robert Bruce,

I am resending my email from two weeks ago to remind you of two upcoming events. 

The first will be on Tuesday, March 29th when our good friend Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli will join me at the home of Robert and Susan Long for a dessert reception.  More info below!

And mark your calendars for the launch of the Virginia Commonwealth Prayer Caucus on Wednesday, April 6th. 'Call to Prayer' Virginia will be held on the steps of our Capitol the morning of the reconvene session. This will be a historic event with hundreds in attendance including the Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General and Legislators from around the state joining together in prayer for our Commonwealth and the Nation.  See details below.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

It's Time to Work Together

It's Time to Work Together!                                                                  March 19, 2011
This note is going to key members of almost 2,000 different patriotic groups. Imagine the influence we could have if we could find a way to work together.
How much longer will we tolerate the charade in Washington? At what point will we acknowledge that neither party has the answer?
There is plan to turn things around, and it cannot be stopped if we work together. We are asking fellow patriots to consider our plan. Almost every group who has taken the time to honestly evaluate our solution is on board. It is time to join forces.
We are slated to add over $1.5 trillion to our deficit this year. The Republicans are battling to cut that by a measly 0.061 trillion. Could they set the bar any lower? How much does it matter if our deficit is $1.441 instead of 1.512 trillion?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

YOU'RE INVITED: Be a Coalition Partner in our latest initiative...

YOU'RE INVITED: Become a Coalition Partner in our Latest Online Initiative

Like on Facebook

As you may have seen, we recently launched the 2012 Tea Party Presidential Poll at, and we would love for you to be a coalition partner in this effort.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

*** March Tuscany Forum ***

The York County Tuscany Forum

The Tuscany Forum will NOT hold it's regular 3rd Thursday Forum in March due to
The York County Board of Supervisors Called
Public hearings on the FY2012 Proposed Budget and the Calendar Year 2011 Proposed Tax Rates