Monday, April 18, 2011

United We Will Stand

United We Will Stand                                                                             April 18, 2011

United we will stand, divided we will fall. If we will not take the time to consider alternatives to this rigged election system, our nation will soon fail. Please give me three minutes of your time.
It is clear the Republicans did not understand the message delivered in November. Each dollar sign in the chart below represents one billion dollars. In the aggregate, the block represents the 2011 U.S. budget. The black dollar signs are indicative of how much the government collects. The red dollar signs show how much we are overspending.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Invitation: Anti-Tax Day Protest in Hampton @ Mon Apr 18 8pm - 11:30pm (

Anti-Tax Day Protest in Hampton

Across from the Aberdeen Post Office in Hampton, at the intersection of Briarfield and Aberdeen.

Everyone has something that they wish the government wasn't spending their taxpayer money on. So we are inviting everyone to practice their free speech and come to hold up a homemade sign and let your voice be heard!
The Peninsula Libertarian Party
Hampton, VA 23661 - USA
Monday, April 18 at 7:00 PM
Mon Apr 18 8pm – 11:30pm GMT (no daylight saving)
US Post Office, 809 Aberdeen Road, Hampton, VA 23661 (map)