United we will stand, divided we will fall. If we will not take the time to consider alternatives to this rigged election system, our nation will soon fail. Please give me three minutes of your time.
It is clear the Republicans did not understand the message delivered in November. Each dollar sign in the chart below represents one billion dollars. In the aggregate, the block represents the 2011 U.S. budget. The black dollar signs are indicative of how much the government collects. The red dollar signs show how much we are overspending.
Now here's the scary part. The green dollar signs at the end of this sentence are how much the two parties just agreed to cut from this year's budget: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
And then we hear that perhaps less than one billion ($) of planned spending was actually cut, that most of what was claimed was money unlikely to be spent. It is time to accept that neither party is capable of controlling spending.
I won't go into the Ryan plan in detail, but recognize that while the Republicans propose to cut spending by $6.2 trillion, they know it will not happen. The assumptions of the lowest unemployment rate ever (2.8%), a housing boom, and a record number of years with the lowest interest rates in our lifetime are pure fantasy. Worse, their plan will actually ADD over $8 trillion to our national debt. They propose to balance the budget in TWENTY-SIX YEARS! The proposal is an improvement over the current plan, but it falls terribly short. In reality, it is yet one more misleading attempt to win votes.
Our children will spend their entire lives burdened with this debt—or hyperinflation will steal every penny saved. Our generation is allowing this to happen. I do not sleep well at night watching the destruction of the greatest nation the world has ever known. Do you?
You are receiving this email because you have been identified as one of America's patriotic leaders. Would you be willing to at least consider a different approach? Would you be willing to give someone other than entrenched politicians like Boehner, Pelosi and Reid a chance to fix this mess?
The two-party system and the quest for power are critical problems. The system prevents politicians from fixing what everyone knows is broken. Doing so will likely cost their party power and end their political career. They are not capable of making the tough decisions that must be made. The just-completed budget battle once again proved this point.
But the bigger problem is us. We support the very system that ensures so many incumbents are re-elected. Far too many Americans avoid the problem by saying, "I like my Congressman, he generally votes the way I want him to." The people with this mindset want everyone else to change their politician. They miss the point that collectively electing the same people every two years ensures nothing will change. Millions of voters are satisfied placing blame on "the other guy" or the other party while our nation approaches financial ruin. They refuse to consider that the two-party system is the problem. Your congressman may be a wonderful person, but the results delivered have been disastrous. Your party may be better than the other party, but neither can or will address the underlying problems. It is time to stop pointing the finger at others. If we are not willing to change our approach, we will fail.
At the bottom of this message is a list of patriotic groups receiving this email. There are almost 2,000 different groups identified. Imagine if we worked together and forced our leaders to serve the people. Imagine if we had a method to replace the career politicians with true citizen legislators. Imagine if the leaders in Washington served the people instead of their party and their career.
There is a way to make this happen, but we must be willing to work together. Leaders of groups like Oath Keepers, the Abigail Adams Project, the Constitution Party, FairTax.org, the Tenth Amendment Center and the Save America Foundation are working with us to find today's incarnation of Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and George Washington. Hundreds of independent, patriotic organizations are on board. We have a plan. It is amazingly simple. All we need to do is to work together.
The plan is not perfect—nothing is—but it offers a simple, non-partisan way for the members of each congressional district to choose a candidate to compete in the 2012 primaries. It is NOT a third party, but rather a method for selecting and funding candidates. It shifts the political paradigm in a way that many have a difficult time understanding, but those who take the time to have their questions answered almost always join us. Because our candidates will compete in the primaries, they will not split the vote.
We respectfully request you visit www.GOOOH.com. Work with us. We'd be happy to have a representative visit with you or someone on your team to answer any questions you may have. Perhaps you would like to help lead the effort to ensure we find a superb candidate in your district. If each group will take charge in their locale, we will find the leaders we need. Working together, our 435 chosen candidates will have an honest chance in the primaries. By pooling advertising dollars and campaigning against career politicians collectively, the 85% of Americans who want to fire Congress will vote for our candidates.
One thing is certain: the current system is not working. We can continue to work individually and try to beat the incumbents in the system they have rigged, or we can work together and elect true citizen representatives. Don't you think it is time to consider something different? The current method is clearly not working.
For the sake of our children, we hope you will consider working with us. Please reply to this note. Let's talk.
Leaders of these patriotic groups are receiving this note. Imagine if we all worked together to elect true citizen legislators.
In Liberty, Tim Cox
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