Tuesday, September 24, 2013

LAST CHANCE To Defund Obamacare!

Tell The Senate To Defund Obamacare!


This is the most important week in the entire battle to defund Obamacare.

Last week the U.S. House of Representitives made history when they passed a bill funding the government through December 15th while also stripping Obamacare of its funding. Now all eyes turn to the Senate to see if they will seal the deal.

Contract signers Sen. Mike Lee and Ted Cruz have been working tierlessly to bring the defunding debate up to this point and now they need your help to bring it across the finish line!

Below is a list of Republican and Democratic Senators who are up for re-election and we NEED you to help us by picking up the phone and calling the following Senators today! Tell them to stand with Senators Mike Lee and Ted Cruz to do everything in their power to defund Obamacare!

Mark Begich (D-AK) (202) 224-3004
Mark Pryor (D-AR)
(202) 224-2353
Mary Landrieu (D-LA)
(202) 224-5824
Max Bacus (D- MT)
(202) 224-2651
Kay Hagan (D-NC) (202) 224-6342
Tim Johnson (D-SC) (202) 224-5842
Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)
(202) 224-6472
Jeff Sessions (R-AL)
(202) 244-4124
Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
(202) 224-3521
John Risch (R-ID)
(202) 224-2752
Pat Roberts (R-KS)
(202) 224-4774
Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
(202) 224-2541
Mike Johanns (R-NE)
(202) 224-4224
James Inhofe (R-OK)
(202) 224-4721
Tim Scott (R-SC)
(202) 224-6121
Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
(202) 224-5972
Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
(202) 224-4944
John Cornyn (R-TX)
(202) 224-2934
Michael Enzi (R-WY)
(202) 224-3424

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Urgent - Stop Congress from Playing Politics with Your Fuel

Contract From America is forwarding this special message to you from our friends at Energy Citizens. Sponsorships like this help us fight the battle to keep America free and elected officials responsible. All personal information of Contract From America subscribers is kept in strict confidence and never shared with sponsors.  We appreciate your support.
- Contract From America


Dear Concerned Citizen,

Once again Congress is failing to act – more comfortable playing politics than doing their job.

Rather than repeal the harmful Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), Congress is about to cut a deal that would freeze this onerous mandate in place for two years.

It is more important than ever to tell Congress to repeal the ethanol mandate!

Hundreds of thousands of Americans have already spoken out against letting EPA regulations destroy our cars, boats and lawnmowers. But they need to hear from YOU that a short-term, band-aid fix won't work, there needs to be a full repeal of the RFS.

Tell Congress the only solution you'll accept is repealing RFS!

This mandate requires biofuels like corn based ethanol to be blended into gasoline, raising fuel prices and potentially destroying engines.  For these reasons, and many, many more it is opposed by a wide variety of Americans, from restaurant owners to environmentalists to classic car owners to patriots like you. Instead of listening to the people, members of Congress want to leave in place a mandate that threatens our engines and drives up our food prices.

Let Congress know we don't need a short-term fix – we need it repealed!

Putting a band-aid on this mandate does not fix the problems it has caused. It's time for Congress to end the ethanol mandate. E-mail your members of Congress today!


The Energy Citizens Team


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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

You'll never guess what congress did now

Congress Exempts Itself From Obamacare


Senate Democrats have exempted Congress and their staffers from Obamacare!

If that wasn't outrageous enough, Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) has demanded a floor vote to strike down that provision, prompting Democrats to retaliate against anyone who votes against it...even if it fails!

This is the ugly face of Washington. The people we have sent to do our bidding want us to be the guinea pigs while they and their staffs are sheltered from the negative repercussions. If Obamacare is so good for America then why are they avoiding it?!

The fact is this legislation is a disaster and is poised to destroy American health care, cost thousands upon thousands of jobs and cause untold damage to our economy. When will Washington wake up?!

The Contract From America has made it our mission to derail Obamacare and save the country from a disaster unlike any we've ever seen! In fact, Contract signer Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) has stepped up in a big way and proposed refusing to fund the government if Obamacare funding is included.

These are the type of bold reforms we need, but we need you with us if they are to be successful! Make a donation today and stand with the Contract from America as we crusade against Obamacare!

You've heard a lot from us on Obamacare but it is vital that we remember the urgency of this matter and just how horribly we are being mislead by our leaders. If we do not act and put our money where our mouth is, we could be living with the repercussions for generations to come.

Please fight with us. Make a donation to the Contract From America and our efforts on Capitol Hill to defeat Obamacare!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

Paid for by Contract From America
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee
Donations are not deductible for income tax purposes

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Monday, September 16, 2013

Big trouble for Lindsey Graham

Contract From America is forwarding this special message to you from our friends at Friends of Nancy Mace. Sponsorships like this help us fight the battle to keep America free and elected officials responsible. All personal information of Contract From America subscribers is kept in strict confidence and never shared with sponsors.We appreciate your support.
- Contract From America


Dear Friends,

Lindsey Graham's support among SC GOP primary voters falls to a paltry 42%.

Even a passive observer of politics understands that when a well-known incumbent's polling numbers fall below 50% that politician is in big trouble. When an incumbent's numbers slips to 42%, their days are numbered.

"Senator Graham has developed a serious problem with male voters and conservative voters in particular. His support among those demographic groups is weak," added Mark Rountree, president of Landmark Communications. "But worse for Senator Graham is that he currently does not even win an outright majority in a potential runoff primary election." Nancy Mace has the best opportunity to defeat Lindsey Graham one-on-one. The head-to-head match up in the poll conducted by Landmark Communications and Rosetta Stone Communications finds that Nancy Mace has the best opportunity to defeat Lindsey Graham one-on-one.

If you want to replace Lindsey Graham with a constitutional conservative, donate now to Nancy Mace.

These numbers are not surprising given Senator Graham's voting record:

  • Voted to bail out big banks
  • Voted to confirm liberal justices to the Supreme Court (Kagan, Sotomayor)
  • Voted to continue debate on Obama's anti-gun agenda
  • Voted to increase taxes by  $600 Billion
  • Voted for amnesty without securing our borders
  • Proponent of NSA spying program

Nancy Mace not only disagrees with Senator Graham on those important issues, Nancy Mace will be a voice for conservative principles and stand up for the people of South Carolina and against the good ole boy establishment and special interests that dominate our politics in DC.

However, Nancy is only one person. She needs the help of conservative champions across the country to fund her campaign to restore constitutional principles in the halls of our government.  Help Nancy today as she works to remove the cold hand of government from our families and businesses by working to get rid of Lindsey Graham and his get along to go along politics.

If you agree that our country and our freedom is worth saving, join the fight today by donating $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, or $2600 today!
Paid for by Friends of Nancy Mace.
Contribution limit: $2,600 for the primary election and another $2,600 for the general election, for a total of $5,200 per person. A couple may contribute up to $5,200 for the primary and up to $5,200 for the general election on a joint bank account check. Contributions by federal contractors, national banks, corporations, and foreign nationals who are not 'green card' holders are prohibited.
295 Seven Farms Drive, Suite C - 186, Charleston, SC 29492
Phone: 843.633.1422
Friends of Nancy Mace Copyright 2013. All rights reserved

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

URGENT: Republicans Planning Trick To Fund Obamacare!

A Republican Ploy To Fund Obamacare!


The Republican leadership in the U.S. House is lying to your face!

That's right, the Republican leadership is planning to pass what is called a "trick" rule. Here's the simple explanation: When the bill funding the government, and therefore Obamacare, comes up for a vote, the Republican leadership will vote to pass it. Then, they will pass a "trick" rule to defund Obamacare.

THIS IS A PLOY! Democrats in the Senate will simply throw this "trick" rule out and send the bill funding the government and Obamacare to the President's desk!

We must take action immediately. Drop what you are doing, call these congressmen and demand they live up to the promises they made to their constituents to do all they can to stop Obamacare!

Justin Amash (R-MI) (202) 225-3831
Michele Bachmann (R-MN)
(202) 225-2331
Kerry Bentivolio (R-MI)
(202) 225-8171
Jim Bridenstine (R- OK)
(202) 225-2211
Mo Brooks (R-AL) (202) 225-4801
Paul Broun (R-GA) (202) 225-4101
Ron DeSantis (R-FL)
(202) 225-2706
Jeff Duncan (R-SC)
(202) 225-5301
Scott Garrett (R-NJ)
(202) 225-4465
Louie Gohmert (R-TX)
(202) 225-3035
Trey Gowdy (R-SC)
(202) 225-6030
Tom Graves (R-GA)
(202) 225-5211
Tim Huelskamp (R-KS)
(202) 225-2715
Steve King (R-IA)
(202) 225-4426
Raul Labrador (R-ID)
(202) 225-6611
Thomas Massie (R-KY)
(202) 225-6611
Tom McClintock (R-CA)
(202) 225-2511
Mark Meadows (R-NC)
(202) 225-6401
Steve Pearce (R-NM)
(202) 225-2365
Trey Radel (R-FL)
(202) 225-2536
Dennis Ross (R-FL)
(202) 225-1252
Matt Salmon (R-AZ)
(202) 225-2635
Mark Sanford (R-SC)
(202) 225-3176
Dave Schweikert (R-AZ)
(202) 225-2190
Steve Stockman (R-TX)
(202) 225-1555
Marlin Stutzman (R-IN)
(202) 225-4436
Randy Weber (R-TX)
(202) 225-2831
Joe Wilson (R-SC)
(202) 225-2452
Ted Yoho (R-FL)
(202) 225-5744

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

Paid for by Contract From America
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee
Donations are not deductible for income tax purposes

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004