Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Why does the GOP want World Bank tribunals trumping states' rights?

End Global Governance

Dear Friend:

Senator Orrin Hatch and Representative Paul Ryan will be introducing Fast Track trade legislation enabling Obama to establish more global courts and weaken states' rights. The globalists call this Investor-State Dispute Resolution (ISDS).

Hatch has said he will introduce this Fast Track legislation next week. Ryan will follow. But opposition is growing from patriots and constitutional conservatives!

We want to flood the email inboxes in Washington with "Oppose Fast Track" messages. 

Our End Global Governance team - with representatives from Florida, Michigan, Virginia, Colorado, Ohio and other states - have been meeting with congressional offices repeatedly since the beginning of this 114th Congress. They are beginning to understand that Fast Track is an enormous and dangerous grant of even more executive authority to the President.

It is a threat to states rights because ISDS authorizes foreign lawyers sitting on World Bank tribunals to hear claims by foreign companies against our states and local governments while bypassing our state courts!

You can help us from home by emailing Congress now with "Oppose Fast Track" messages.  

If the newly powerful GOP caucus in Washington won't rein in the executive branch now, when will it be done? 

Click here to send your email.  We can and will make a difference!


Stephani Scruggs, End Global Governance


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Friday, February 6, 2015

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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

GOP giving even more power to the President?

End Global Governance

Dear Friend:

Our coalition of patriots has been working overtime in Washington to prevent Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Orrin Hatch and Paul Ryan from giving even more executive authority to President Obama.  We need help from you!  We want to flood the email inboxes in Washington with "Oppose Fast Track" messages.  

"Fast Track" trade authority is sold as "free trade", but it is really enabling global governance and crony capitalism by multinationals who don't care about America.  Mitch McConnell admitted that Fast Track is "an enormous grant of authority" but wants to do it anyway.

When congressional offices hear from you, our job educating them in DC is much easier. Much easier.

If the newly powerful GOP caucus in Washington won't rein in the executive branch now, when will it be done?  Click here to send your email.  We can and will make a difference!


Stephani Scruggs, End Global Governance


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