Sunday, June 5, 2011

Thomas Jefferson answered the call. Will you?


Jefferson Answered. Will You?                                      June 5, 2011

Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Ben Franklin and 53 others pledged their lives, fortune and sacred honor when forming our nation. They knew that a different course was required. Their plan was far from perfect, but they did not wait. They made great sacrifices. They were absolutely committed. They made it happen.

You know that our nation is at risk. You know that we cannot continue on the course we are on. You are receiving this email because you are already engaged in the battle. You know that the politicians in Washington are not going to make the changes you seek. You know we need new leaders. But how?

This battle must be fought on many fronts. The presidential race is of course huge, as are the thirty-three Senate seats, but there is one part of our government that is exceptionally vulnerable: the U.S. House. Every seat is up for election. Approval ratings hover near all-time lows. But, we cannot fight the same way we always have. 85% of the races are already decided using the current process.

So what will you do? Will you continue to do what we have always done? Will you try yet again to win your party more power and hope for the best? Or, will you consider an alternative?

We have a very simple plan which we will execute beginning this November in Texas. The other states will follow. We have had 2.15 million visitors to our Web site. It is time that we work together. If we do, we can retake control of our government. If we battle the same way we always have, 85% of incumbents are certain to get re-elected; 90% or 95% is more likely.

Consider the GO approach:

    1) We are building leadership teams in each of the 435 congressional districts.

    2) The leadership teams are growing membership – we have over 90,000 members!

    3) We are creating ads that 90% of the nation will enthusiastically support.

    4) We will ask our members to donate $100 this September, raising $3 to $10 million.

    5) This will be the seed money for our advertising campaign.

    6) Our members will choose candidates prior to the filing deadline in each state.

    7) Our candidates will file to compete in the primaries against the incumbents. We are not a third party. We cannot split the vote.

    8) Our candidates will defeat the incumbents in the primaries.

We want you to be part of this effort. We want you to help lead the effort in your locale.

There are 435 districts nationwide. This is your opportunity to become one of the leaders in your district and makes this happen. We encourage you to recruit all in your network to join us and ensure we succeed. Now is the time for you to join the leadership team. You are being called, just as Jefferson, Adams, Franklin and the others were.

Will you answer the call? Let's talk.

In Liberty,

Tim Cox


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Tim Cox | Rio Gabriel Ranch | Liberty Hill, TX 78642

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