Friday, August 5, 2011

May We Promote Your Group?



May We Promote Your Group?                                          8/5

Sixty-two percent of Americans say they would like to vote out every member of Congress, according to a recent Rasmussen poll. A mere 6% believe Congress is doing a good job. Less than a third are confident that their own congressman is representing their best interests. Read that again. Isn't it time to do things differently? America is looking for alternatives.

Groups like yours are on the right track, and we'd like to help you reach others.

We have a way to help. GOOOH has almost 100,000 members. We would like to tell them about what you are doing and see if we can help connect you with other like-minded organizations. If you will send us a 50-word explanation of your mission, with a link to your site and/or contact information, we'll send the information not only to all of our members, but to the 3,000+ group leaders we have on this contact list.

We have found it very effective to link leaders in cities and states who are working on similar tasks. As an example, take a look at this flyer our members have begun handing out, highlighting how groups like Oath Keepers, Sheriff Mack, the Abigail Adams Project, and GOOOH are working together. There are other groups focusing on Precinct Chairs, Voter Fraud, Constitutional Studies, State's Rights, Agenda 21, etc. If you will let us know what you are working on, we'll help connect you with others so you can share best practices and ideas, and hopefully become even more effective.


We recently published this Patriot Proclamation in USA Today. It calls on Americans to work together to fire Congress. Our plan to do so has never been more in need, evidenced by the polling numbers provided above.


Over 2.2 million visitors have been to our web site. Why? Because most people understand the system for selecting our leaders has been rigged. There are some good people in office today, but the current system discourages fair competition: it ensures 90% or more of incumbents are re-elected despite numbers like those provided above. Rather than trying to use the corrupt system and protect the 5% who are good, let's fix the system and ensure every incumbent has to compete fairly in an honest primary. Competition makes people stronger. It is the American way. Let's convince our nation to fix this broken system!

GOOOH members will begin selecting candidates to compete in the 2012 primaries this November (in Texas). Other states will follow, running the selection process approximately two months before their filing deadline. We are not a third party – our candidates will compete in the primaries against the incumbent. We would love to have members of your group participate in the selection process. We hope you will get every person you know to join us.


It is time to retake control of our government. It is time to tell the politicians to Get Out Of Our House!


In Liberty,

Tim Cox






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