United we will stand; divided we will fail.
The old adage clearly resonates with most on this mail list. We recently sent a note to several thousand leaders asking for information on what they are working on so we could share the information with other groups. The response was tremendous. While some of us may disagree on certain things, it is clear that most agree with the value of looking for ways to connect with other groups, leverage our resources, and support one another where it makes sense.
We are including information on just a few of the groups who responded. We'll include more in a couple of weeks, and encourage all receiving this note to consider submitting similar 50 word summaries that we can share with others. The goal is not to promote local events, but to share information about groups others may want to connect with.
Sheriff Richard Mack, author of The County Sheriff: America's Last Hope and other excellent books is working to restore the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. He says the greatest threat we face today is our own federal government. If America is conquered or ruined, it will be from within. He has a powerful message he'll deliver to your group if invited. Contact him at SheriffMack.com
Oath Keepers are committed to defending the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Members agree to never disarm the public, conduct warrantless searches, illegally detain citizens, impose martial law, or invade sovereign States. Every person who has ever taken an oath to defend the Constitution, or would like to, should consider joining this group. Visit OathKeepers.org for contact information.
The AbigailAdamsProject.com is a non-partisan voter education group promoting constitutional standards. Their innovative Voter Guides addresses Constitutional issues and responsibilities for candidates at every level. They are working to give power back to the People! Every person in America is encouraged to get involved with this group. Contact: Deborah Ringhaver Lane, libertybee@me.com
The Tenth Amendment Center is focused on state sovereignty. They group hosts events like Nullify Now-Jacksonville, scheduled for October 22nd, 2011. The Tenth Amendment Center is hosting a national tour to educate and activate people on state sovereignty. People are taught the constitutional basis for nullification and how to stop DC in your own state by rendering federal law null and void. Contact: Andrew Nappi, andrew.nappi@tenthamendmentcenter.com
The NVC (National Veterans Coalition www.nvets.org ) is a political arm of the Constitution Party. They are veterans, families & friends who have an AMERICA FIRST mindset. They seek to replace the corrupt, monopoly parties: the republic-crats." The mission of the NVC is to bring veterans, families & friends into the CP and, encourage members to run for local, county, state and national office. Contact: Larry Breazeale, ALawdog7@aol.com
Inspire and Ignite is an organization dedicated to returning America to its founding roots. They believe the course to restoration is to pass a constitutional amendment designed to restrict the abuses of Congress by imposing term limits, restoring states' rights, and establishing a balanced budget amendment (limiting the size of government). You are encouraged to visit their site and join the Second Continental Army! Contact Jim Kinney, jck@inspireandignite.com
Fellowship of the Minds was founded by patriots deeply concerned about the state of our country and the ruinous path taken by our political elites. Contact: Steve Janus, FellowshipTips@aol.com
TellMyGov.com is a non-biased political site that aims to connect you, the voter, to the politicians. Taking advantage of this social networking site will allow you to have your voice heard and opinion counted. The platform provides easy access to political information of incumbents and those who are currently running campaigns. Issues that are up for vote will be available for review along with the voting history of local officials. Share your thoughts with others and connect with individuals with common interest in political chat rooms and forums. Contact: Colin Ullrich, colin@tellmygov.com
The Maine Re-founders goal is to give concerned citizens both a forum for ideas and an easy, practical way to get involved. The mission is to attract, educate, organize, and mobilize fellow citizens to secure public policy consistent with these three Core Values: Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government, Free Markets. Contact: Pete Harring, themaineteaparty@gmail.com
Saluting Patriots is raising funds for veterans. Contact: Clair Van Steenwyk, crossroadswithvan@gmail.com
The Coalition for a Conservative Majority, is dedicated to promoting time-honored American principles and valued through training, education and grass roots activism. Contact: Roy Caldwell, roycaldwell@comcast.net
The St. Augustine TEA Party is an organization of Patriots committed to limited Constitutional government, fiscal responsibility and the salvation of the free enterprise system. Their mission is to make government accountable, beginning at the local level, and to educate citizens. They meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. Contact: Eric West, dericwest@comcast.net
The Reform Party of New Jersey has established itself as a viable alternative to the Democratic and Republican Parties in the Garden State. In the past year, they have worked on improving government efficiency, ending eminent domain abuse, establishing school choice, and using real solutions to fix the economy. Contact: Jacob Zychick, reformpartynj@gmail.com
Liberty In America is a grassroots movement focused on education and activism. Their Liberty Bus offers free educational webinars from nationally known scholars (such as the dynamic Beth Powers) on important topics such as education, the budget, the Federal Reserve, the Bill of Rights, etc. Schedule the bus for your liberty group or rally. Contact: Janis Turner, libertyinamerica1776@gmail.com
The We the People Foundation seeks to monitor and lobby those who govern at the Federal, State and City levels of government. The goal is to ensure all are governing according to our Constitution, their State Constitution and their City Constitution or Charter. Contact: Judith Whitmore, honoramerica@gmail.com
Mel Valkner wanted to help create jobs, reduce the size of government, and stop wasteful spending. He joined the Tea Party and decided to run for Congress in 2010 on the Constitution Party ticket. His new book The Common Man, offers a way to foster religious, political and economic revival in the U.S. www.TheCommonMan.org. Contact: Mel Valkner, mel@thecommonman.org
Note: GOOOH does not necessarily endorse all of the above. Our objective is to share what other groups are doing with patriotic group leaders across the nation to strengthen the liberty network. If you would like your group to be featured in a subsequent email, please submit a 50 word summary similar to one of the above.
GOOOH is a non-partisan process that will allow the members of each congressional district to select a citizen candidate to compete in the 2012 primaries. Our members will begin choosing candidates this November in Texas. Other states will follow, running the selection process approximately two months before the filing deadline in their state. We encourage every patriot in America to join GO and participate in the selection process.
For those who asked, here's a copy of our Patriot Proclamation, recently published in USA Today.
In Liberty,
Tim Cox |
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