Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Help Choose Your Next Representative on Nov 5th

Help Choose Your Next Representative    9/28/11

On Saturday, November 5th, 15,000+ GOOOH members in Texas will meet, in their district, to begin the process of selecting a candidate to compete for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. We intend to challenge each incumbent in the 2012 primaries in March.
Time is running short. We encourage you and every person in your network to sign up to participate in the selection process.
Our plan in Texas is simple:

  1. Identify 36 leaders, one for each congressional district  (Done)
  2. Build leadership teams (3-10) in each district (ongoing)
  3. Recruit 250 or more members (ongoing)
  4. Select one person to compete in the 2012 primaries - selection process begins on 11/5
  5. Help each of the 36 candidates get on the ballot, set up a web site, file with the FEC, etc.
  6. Help the chosen candidate create a campaign team
  7. Campaign for the candidate
We will run the process in the other states approximately 45 days before their filing deadline.
We request that you actively recruit others to join us. The person chosen will be a function of those who participate. You have little to lose by participating - a Saturday morning. At worst, we will find a candidate no better than the incumbent. If that is the case, you can vote for the incumbent - again.

We encourage you to browse our web site to learn more. Watch our videos, read the FAQs, listen to our interviews.
If you are interested in joining the leadership team in your district, please reply to this email. The job can be as simple as you'd like it to be. You decide if you want to work 15 minutes a day or 15 minutes a week. Your mission is very simple: get your family and friends to become members of GO. Spread the word, however you desire.

We began running our first tv ad, titled  The Worst Diaster Ever, in Houston, on 9/25. Our GOOOH Magic video has also just been released. I hope you will watch both.
Other videos to view: Thomas Paine, Stop and GOOOH, 2011 Update (Tim Cox).
Interviews to watch/listen to: Fox & Friends, 700 Club, ABC (Houston), ShelfLife, WGN, Lou Dobbs, Dennis Miller, NBC, MSNBC, Time Warner.

Would you have signed our Patriot Proclamation? It was printed in the USA Today this summer.

The current members of Congress cannot fix the problems they have created. They are destroying our nation. We must replace them. It is time to tell them to Get Out Of Our House!

In Liberty,
Tim Cox

This message was sent to from:
Tim Cox | Rio Gabriel Ranch | Liberty Hill, TX 78642
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