Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Government Is Blowing It

They Really Blew It


The distrust the American people have in their government is palpable. No longer is the expectation of privacy assumed. In today's America the exact opposite is the case.

With every call for transparency comes more and more secrecy. With each leak comes increased security. We have entered into a never-ending cycle of runaway government intrusion and track-covering.

In a recent interview, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was questioned about NSA spying and the mass collection of data in which he perfectly summarized the feelings of all American people: "I think the government really blew it on this one, and I honestly think that they're continuing to blow it in some ways. And I hope that they become more transparent in that part of it,"

It's true, our government is blowing it and if we don't stand up to and DEMAND transparency, we might as well throw out the Constitution!

To keep the pressure on, the Contract From America is re-launching ahead of the 2014 elections and teaming up with the nation's largest Tea Party organization, to make sure that we begin to turn the tide in Washington, D.C.!

The Contract From America demands a return to the small government principles of our founding and we expect our signers to adhere to this maxim. But if we are to keep the pressure on we will need you to stand with us and help amplify our collective voice!

Will we become a full blown nanny state like in 1984 or will we restore our nation to the constitutional republic that respects privacy that our founders envisioned? The government is blowing it and the ball is now in our court.

We you help be a part of the resistance and help protect our privacy and constitutionally guaranteed  rights? Step up and help us on this mission as we look to restore our county. Make a donation to the Contract From America today!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

Paid for by Contract From America
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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Friday, November 22, 2013

This happens every 2.5 hours

A New Regulation Every 2.5 Hours


Accoring to a new study by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a new regulation is created every 2.5 hours!

This incredible statistic puts makes it a little easier to undertstand why our country is in such bad economic shape. Regulations are the antithesis of prosperity. For every new regulation created by government, a new barrier appears that hinders business.

Congress has become so numb to this fact that Nancy Pelosi famously said "We need to pass the bill before we can see what is in it" when talking about Obamacare.

This over-regulation MUST END.

Small businesses are being suffocated by the endless regulation coming out of Washington D.C. and none is more poisonous than Obamacare. With thousands upon thousands of pages of regulation, Obamacare is one of the biggest job killers in American history!

It is up to constitutional conservatives like us to stand up to President Obama and his liberal cronies. Will you join us in this fight? Donate to the Contract From America today and help us put a stop to the regulatory tsunami headed our way!

If we don't act decisively soon, our economy will become so over-burdened with regulations that it will continue to slow to complete stagnation, sending us into years of job loss unlike anything we've ever seen.

We have no time to waste and too much to lose if we do not act NOW! Stand up for our private sector and make a donation to the Contract From America and our mission to restore America to the free market principles that made it great!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

Paid for by Contract From America
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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Invitation: Yorktown lighted boat parade @ Sat Dec 7, 2013 6pm - 9pm (Alexander of YorkTeaParty)

Yorktown lighted boat parade

Yorktown Chorale & The Fifes &Drums will present in the glow of a beach bonfire while guests await the boat parade of lights. Judging begins at 7pm, so join the festivities as you cheer for your favorite! This event is free. Bring chair& flashlights to assist yourself around town.
Sat Dec 7, 2013 6pm – 9pm Eastern Time
Yorktown beach (map)
Alexander of YorkTeaParty
Robert Alexander - organizer
Robert Bruce Alexander - creator

Going?    - -     

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Friday, November 15, 2013

Friendly Fire

The House Of Cards Is Crumbling


Yesterday, the President ate a big piece of humble pie, taking ownership for misleading the American people on his presidency's signature piece of legislation. The repeated failures have called into question whether or not the bill can even survive and has members of his own party voicing their concern.

President Clinton lead off the parade of dissent when he said that he thought the President should honor his commitments and allow people to keep their healthcare plans if they desired. This attack from an "ally" sent the White House scrambling.

In President Obama's press conference yesterday, he laid out a number of fixes that he thinks will undo the mess he made.

Not so fast Mr. President.

Reacting to the plans, liberal Gov. Howard Dean questioned if the President even had the legal authority to carry out his plans and suggested that Obamacare may be dead!

Thanks to the efforts of grassroots conservatives like yourself, the pressure on the President and his team have been stiffling. Our early and repeated warnings about the dangers and inefficiencies of Obamacare are being realized and the pain is starting to be felt by millions of Americans.

However, this fight is far from over. The President will stop at nothing to salvage the crown jewel of his presidency, even if that means higher costs and dropped coverage for upwards of 9% of Americans!

We can't take our foot off the gas pedal! We are currently teaming up with the nation's largest Tea Party organization,, in Washington, D.C. to continually put pressure on legislators to defeat Obamacare. Now, we must rally together and demand that Obamacare be repealed and replaced. Join us and make a donation to the Contract From America today!

This current fight could not be more critical and we will NOT succeed if you aren't with us every step of the way. From the grassroots activists to Contract signers on Capitol Hill, if we do not continue to speak with a united voice, we will crumble just like Obamacare currently is.

So stand with us and make your voice heard! Donate to the Contract From America NOW!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

Paid for by Contract From America
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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Only 3% Enrolled

This Is Unacceptable


According to the most recent reports, Obamacare has only hit 3% of its enrollment goal. That means that out of the 1.4 million people the administration hopes to have signed up by 2014, only 49,100 have signed up in states with functioning exchanges.

This begs the obvious question, if the government can't run a website effectively how can we trust them to operate an entire health care system?

This is the core question that liberals on Capitol Hill refuse to answer and therefore are leading our entire nation down a dark road of uncertainty. If the application of this newly-available government insurance is even half as poorly run as the Obamacare websites, this could mean unthinkable pain and frustration for millions of Americans.

Since the Contract's founding, defunding and replacing Obamacare has been one of our core tenants. The reason we believed and still believe so strongly in that is because we knew the current failures of the system would eventually rear their ugly heads.

As new reports pile up about the government's inability to operate this system, the public becomes more enraged and willing to work with us to get rid of Obamacare. That is why we must continue to fight among the grassroots and in Congress to stop this legislation from fully coming to fruition before it's too late.

That is why we need you. We need your help if we are going to avoid the deadly effects that Obamacare will have on America when it's fully implemented. Donate to the Contract From America today and help us save our nation from the effects of Obamacare.

We are stronger when we speak with one voice and that is precisely why it is crucial that we have you on board with us. Please donate right now and let's end Obamacare ASAP!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

Paid for by Contract From America
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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Friday, November 8, 2013

Stop this train-wreck NOW

It Simply Doesn't Work


There is a reason that the Obamacare rollout has been a failure - Socialized medicine doesn't work!

Trying to squeeze over 300 million people into a one-size fits all health care system is not only disastrous to our healthcare industry but it also takes away from our God-given liberties. If we do not get rid of Obamacare soon, it WILL ruin our economy and the healthcare coverage of millions!

We can already see our liberties slipping away right before our eyes. For example, we no longer can keep our health care plans as the President once promised. This means millions of Americans are being dropped from their healthcare providers as we speak.

This is unacceptable!

We need you to join with the Contract From America as we seek to repeal and replace Obamacare with proven free-market policies that will reduce healthcare prices and retain our liberties! We need you to donate today to aid us in this fight!

In Washington, D.C., many so-called "conservatives" are actively appeasing the President's healthcare agenda and not showing the backbone we deserve! Let's show them that the voice of the people will not be silenced! Will you donate to help amplify this voice?

So far, signers like Sen. Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Mike Lee have done a great job of bringing our voice to the Senate but much more needs to be done! The Contract From America will not rest until we make sure every memeber of Congress understands what's at stake and what the consequences for their action, or lacktherof, will be.

Make a donation right now to the Contract From America and together let's make sure socialized medicine never fully sees the light of day in America!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

Paid for by Contract From America
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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

We need your help to rewrite this

What Is Most Important To You?


The Contract From America is gearing up for the 2014 elections and beyond by teaming up with the nation's largest Tea Party organization,, to make the the Contract bigger and more influential in races across America.

With so many major issues coming to a head over the next year, the 2014 elections will be vital if we are going to save this country! This is no exaggeration. From healthcare to the debt ceiling to obedience to the Constitution, the very foundations of our nation are at risk of falling apart.

As a part of the Contract's transformation, we are revisiting the Contract and its contents in an effort to cater it more toward your concerns heading into the coming election cycles. Therefore we have set up a webpage for you to visit and submit your new ideas for inclusion into the Contract From America.

Thus far, the Contract From America has drawn signatures from scores of conservative politicians and candidates such as Senators
Cruz (R-TX), Paul (R-UT), Lee (R-UT), Rubio (R-FL) and Scott (R-SC) but we are looking to add many, many more!

These great leaders have signed the Contract because they, just like you, know what is at stake for our nation. Freedom and liberty are under assault from an out of control federal government that seeks to limit the power of its citizens and expand its own. Now, we want to call on all candidates and leaders, regardless of party affiliation, to join us by signing the Contract From America!

2014 will also dictate what the conservative movement looks like in the future. The Contract From America will serve as the backbone of the movement to define what we demand from our elected leaders. If the conservative movement does not stay strong to its core constitutional values, we may lose them forever!

So will you help us by being a part of this process? Visit our new webpage and tell us what your main concerns are and what you will be looking for in candidates during the 2014 elections and beyond. The more active you are, the stronger the Contract will become!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

Paid for by Contract From America
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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Obama wiretaps THE POPE!

Washington Has Failed Us


Our leaders in Washington D.C. have failed us. From the Obamacare roll-out to the endless stream of new NSA revelations, it is clear that we are not being served in our nation's capital.

What's worse, accountability from the federal government is non-existent. Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, whose job it was to handle the launch of Obamacare, has not been removed from her post nor reprimanded following countless blunders that have cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.

Over at the NSA, new reports suggest world leaders including THE POPE were wiretapped! However, in typical D.C. fashion, no major review of policy or leadership has been put into place.

It's time for us to get serious about returning to our Constitutional principles and holding our elected leaders responsible through the Contract From America! That means coming together and building a powerful network of influence from the grassroots up to Washington. We need YOU to demand accountability today by donating just $3.

How can the American people even begin to have faith in their government when President Obama and his liberal allies so blatantly underserve us?

It's vital that we make sure that every candidate we support in 2014 and beyond has signed the Contract From America . But, we can only do that if you step up and help. Donate right now and support change and accountability in our leadership.

When candidates sign the Contract, they are pledging that they will uphold the Constitution and the central tenants of limited government. We are also making a pledge - if candidates do not stay true to their signiture, we WILL hold them responsible.

Make a donation to the Contract From America today and help us on this important mission to save America. Our founding principles are at stake and if Washington won't hold itself accountable, we will! Donate right now and let's fix this country!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

Paid for by Contract From America
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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St. | Houston | TX | 77004