Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Only 3% Enrolled

This Is Unacceptable


According to the most recent reports, Obamacare has only hit 3% of its enrollment goal. That means that out of the 1.4 million people the administration hopes to have signed up by 2014, only 49,100 have signed up in states with functioning exchanges.

This begs the obvious question, if the government can't run a website effectively how can we trust them to operate an entire health care system?

This is the core question that liberals on Capitol Hill refuse to answer and therefore are leading our entire nation down a dark road of uncertainty. If the application of this newly-available government insurance is even half as poorly run as the Obamacare websites, this could mean unthinkable pain and frustration for millions of Americans.

Since the Contract's founding, defunding and replacing Obamacare has been one of our core tenants. The reason we believed and still believe so strongly in that is because we knew the current failures of the system would eventually rear their ugly heads.

As new reports pile up about the government's inability to operate this system, the public becomes more enraged and willing to work with us to get rid of Obamacare. That is why we must continue to fight among the grassroots and in Congress to stop this legislation from fully coming to fruition before it's too late.

That is why we need you. We need your help if we are going to avoid the deadly effects that Obamacare will have on America when it's fully implemented. Donate to the Contract From America today and help us save our nation from the effects of Obamacare.

We are stronger when we speak with one voice and that is precisely why it is crucial that we have you on board with us. Please donate right now and let's end Obamacare ASAP!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

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