Wednesday, April 30, 2014

PRESS RELEASE: Chris McDaniel Signs the Contract From America!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                           
April 30, 2014
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Ryan Hecker, (215) 880-2430
U.S. Senate Candidate Chris McDaniel for Mississippi
Signs the 2014 Contract from America
WASHINGTON D.C. - The Contract from America Foundation and announced today that U.S. Senate candidate Chris McDaniel has signed the bottom-up, crowd-sourced 2014 Contract from America. The original Contract from America earned hundreds of signatures in 2010 and 2012 from conservative candidates across America, including currently serving Senators Cruz (R-TX), Paul (R-UT), Lee (R-UT), Ayotte (R-NH), Coburn (R-OK), Rubio (R-FL), and Scott (R-SC).  In all, more than 80 elected Senators, Congressmen and Governors have signed the Contract From America in the past four years.

In the upcoming election cycle, the Contract from America and TheTeaParty.Net will help ensure that hundreds of more candidates agree to and then are held accountable to limited government and Constitutional principles if elected.

This year, the Contract from America and TheTeaPartyNet and their committed activists will work hard to ensure hundreds more politicians of all political parties are held accountable to limited government and Constitutional principles
Ryan Hecker, Founder and President of the Contract from America, added, "We are delighted that U.S. Senate candidate Chris McDaniel has joined the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have already signed the Contract From America. Our nation's best insurance against sending politicians to Washington only to have them join the Beltway business-as-usual racket is to insist every candidate across America signs this document." 

In signing this bottom-up call for economic conservative and good governance reform, Mr. McDaniel stated: "I'm proud to sign the Contract from America, which restates the principles that made America exceptional, and which Washington sorely needs more of. While the federal government continues to spend money we don't have, the Contract from America reminds us that America needs strong leaders who will stand and fight for conservative values in D.C., and vocally oppose the wasteful agenda of President Obama and Harry Reid."

The Contract from America is not a list handed down from on high by old-bull politicians, but one handed up from the true grassroots in this country.
When voting was completed, the top eleven planks in the Contract from America were: (1) Protect the Constitution; (2) Reject the EPA's Overreach; (3) Demand a Balanced Budget; (4) Enact Fundamental Tax Reform; (5) Restore Fiscal Responsibility and Constitutionally Limited Government in Washington; (6) End Runaway Government Spending; (7) Defund, Repeal, and Replace Government-run Health Care; (8) Pass an 'All-of-the-Above" Energy Policy; (9) Stop the Pork; (10) Protect Americans' Privacy; and (11) Stop Unconstitutional Executive Branch Power.
More information is available at the Contract from America's website,

Paid for by Contract From America
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee
Donations are not deductible for income tax purposes

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Friday, April 25, 2014

Chris McDaniels, Bob Barr & John Ratcliffe Sign the Contract From America!

American Patriots,

As we prepare for the November mid-term elections, we must understand one thing. The future of our country is in balance. Ask yourself one question – Do you want people in office who are devoted to a party or ones who want to do right by the people? Doing right by the people would be recognizing that America needs prosperity, not wealth redistribution. In order to accomplish this, we need individuals who are committed to individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom. That is what the Contract from America is all about and we MUST demand that all candidates sign!

In fact just in the past few weeks, candidates Bob Barr (GA-11),
John Ratcliffe (TX-4) and Chris McDaniels (MS Senate) have joined Paul Broun (GA Senate) and Barry Loudermilk (GA-14) in signing the Contract!

But, in order to take back America from the destructive, progressive attempt to fundamental transform our republic, we need more candidates to join them.

That's why we need  YOU to lend us a hand in this fight. There is power in your voice and these candidates need to hear from you. Demand that they sign the Contract From America located at!

Curt Clawson (GOP nominee, FL-19)
Greg Brannon (NC Senate) 919-890-0955 @DrGregBrannon
Thom Tillis (NC Senate) 702-248-2980 @thomtillis
Ben Sasse (NE Senate)
402-721-0202 @Sasse4Senate
Shane Osborne (NE Senate)
Phil Berger Jr. (NC-6)
Zack Matheny (NC-6)
David Rouzer (NC-7)
Evan Jenkins (WV-3) 304-697-3826
Alex Mooney (WV-2) 304-702-5009
Ken Reed (WV-2)
Bryan Smith (ID-At Large) 208-538-9683
Sen. Mark Pryor (AR Senate) 202-224-2353 @SenMarkPryor
Sen. Mark Begich (AK Senate) 202-224-3004 @SenatorBegich

Let's not get complacent. Keep up the pressure on all candidates in races across America regardless of party affiliation. They need to know that you are watching to see if they are for the principles upon which the Founders established our republic or if they are against them. Let these candidates know that you expect them to sign the Contract and pledge their support to the Constitution and the people of the United States!

When these leaders sign their names to a document like the Contract from America, they take it seriously. It's a commitment from them to stay true to our shared belief in individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom. Make sure they go to today and sign!

Whether you have time to call and/or tweet just one person on this list, or if you can contact them all today, please take a moment to do so right now. Thank you for your continued support!

Thank you,
Ryan Hecker
Founder and President of the Contract From America

Paid for by Contract From America
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee
Donations are not deductible for income tax purposes

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Article V Convention of States - Historical Information (Very Important)

With our Federal government out of control it is imperative we understand (and employ) the tools the (Framing and Ratifying) Founders gave us. 

I'm sure at this point you have heard of the (movement) that is calling for an Article V Convention of States.  What you may not know is there is a great deal of (mis)information being circulated.  If you've not yet made up your mind, or even if you have, attached is a wealth of historical information on the subject you've probably not seen or read.  The listings start with our Convention of States Handbook, the briefest of the information (24 pages):

From there, if you are interested in knowing about Article V at a high level of detail, I've included a link to our Compendium For Lawyers and  Legislative Drafters (and concerned citizens) who want to engage the Article V process at a high intellectual level.  I've included a link where you can download it in full (313 pages – PDF):

If you are interested in learning more but don't feel the need to tackle the 313 page compendium linked above, you can take a look at two independent articles by Dr. Robert Natelson that happen to be in the larger work.  The first is from the Tennessee Law Review and is titled "Proposing Constitutional Amendments by Convention: Rules Governing the Process.  The second is from the Florida Law Review and is titled "Founding-Era Conventions and the Meaning of the Constitution's Convention for Proposing Amendments".  If you take the time to read any of these I assure you that you will know more about this subject than 99.9% of America.   I love history and have studied it for many years and I have a Master's degree in Law, but I did not know the history surrounding this subject. 

  1. Taken from the Tennessee Law Review.  Much of the mystery surrounding the Constitution's state-application-and-convention amendment process is unnecessary:  History and case law enable us to resolve most questions. This Article is the first in the legal literature to access the full Founding-Era record on the subject, including the practices of inter-colonial and interstate conventions held during the 1770s and 1780s. Relying on that record, together with post-Founding practices, understandings, and case law, this Article clarifies the rules governing applications and convention calls, and the roles of legislatures and conventions in the process. The goal of the Article is objective exposition rather than advocacy or special pleading.  Click the link and you'll see a "download" button to get the article.   Document title is:  Proposing Constitutional Amendments by Convention: Rules Governing the Process  (58 pages)

  1. Taken from the Florida Law Review.  Under Article V of the U.S. Constitution, two thirds of state legislatures may require Congress to call a "Convention for proposing Amendments." Because this procedure has never been used, commentators frequently debate the composition of the convention and the rules governing the application and convention process. However, the debate has proceeded almost entirely without knowledge of the many multi-colony and multi-state conventions held during the eighteenth century, of which the Constitutional Convention was only one. These conventions were governed by universally-accepted convention practices and protocols. This Article surveys those conventions and shows how their practices and protocols shaped the meaning of Article V.  


If you click on this link you will be taken to the Florida Law Review where you will see a PDF link for the article.   Document title is:  Founding-Era Conventions and the Meaning of the Constitution's "Convention for Proposing Amendments"  (96 pages)


I'm thanking you ahead of time for taking a look.  The subject is that serious.

If you'd like to discuss, desire to help, or would like further information please do not hesitate to write (or call).


In (and for) Liberty,



Ken Mayo

National Director of Coalitions & Field Operations

Convention of States

Office:  540-227-4403

Mobile: 215-962-1712



8 Bible verses now aligning with modern cures?

 Contract From America is forwarding this special message to you from our friends at Health Revelations. Sponsorships like this help us fight the battle to keep America free and elected officials responsible. All personal information of Contract From America subscribers is kept in strict confidence and never shared with sponsors. We appreciate your support.
- Contract From America


Dear Reader,

It sounds like something from a movie, but a researcher from Kentucky has stumbled across something so huge, it may shake the Church to its very core.

8 familiar Bible verses that, alone, seem very ordinary... but are now aligning with brand new medical research for curing the most devastating diseases known to mankind.

And that's only the beginning...

Click here for exclusive access, and get the full story here first.

To knowing the truth,

Brian Chambers
Publisher, Health Revelations

P.S. It doesn't matter whether you're religious or not... this video WILL shock you and it may even change how you interpret certain passages of the Bible. But if you have a curious mind and aren't afraid of the whole truth... click here to see what he discovered, and decide for yourself.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

URGENT WARNING: Hoard These 77 Items

Contract From America is forwarding this special message to you from our friends at Laissez Faire Club. Sponsorships like this help us fight the battle to keep America free and elected officials responsible. All personal information of Contract From America subscribers is kept in strict confidence and never shared with sponsors. We appreciate your support.
- Contract From America

URGENT WARNING: Hoard These 77 Items

Dear Reader,
Did you know there are 77 different (still legal!) natural health items you can take to...

Have better sex... lose weight without exercise... renew your energy... improve your memory... end your joint pain... and more?

It's true. But the American gov't may want to soon ban this message.

CLICK HERE and you'll learn which 77 items to hoard, before I'm forced to pull this offline.


Doug Hill
Director, Laissez Faire Club

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Contract from America | Contract from America | Arlington | DC | 20230

Monday, April 21, 2014

FL-19 Votes Tomorrow: We NEED Your Help!!

American Patriots,

November is right around the corner and already numerous races are heating up. Across the country, primaries are getting heated and we MUST demand all candidates sign the Contract From America!

In fact just in the past few weeks, candidates Paul Broun (GA Senate) and Barry Loudermilk (GA-14) have signed the Contract!

Tomorrow the voters of the 19th Congressional District in Florida will be casting votes in the Republican primary and it is imperative we get the candidates in the race to sign the Contract From America.

We need your help TODAY to call and tweet at the candidates in Florida's 19th district, Lizabeth Benacquisto and Curt Clawson, demanding that they sign the Contract From America located at!

On top of that we must keep the pressure on other candidates of both parties in races across America to sign the Contract and pledge their support to the Constitution and the people of the United States!

Lizbeth Benacquisto (FL-19)
Curt Clawson (FL-19)
Dan Sullivan (AK Senate)
907-677-2014 @dansullivan2014
John Ratcliffe (TX-4)
972-455-8609 @RatcliffeTX4
Ben Sasse (NE Senate)
402-721-0202 @Sasse4Senate
Shane Osborne (NE Senate)
Thom Tillis (NC Senate)
702-248-2980 @thomtillis
Greg Brannon (NC Senate)
919-890-0955 @DrGregBrannon
Chris McDaniel (MS Senate)
601-283-2156 @senatormcdaniel
Sen. Mary Landrieu (LA Senate)
Sen. Mark Pryor (AR Senate)
Sen. Mark Begich (AK Senate)

When these leaders sign their names to a document like the Contract from America, they take it seriously. It's a commitment from them to stay true to our shared belief in individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom. Make sure they go to today and sign!

Whether you have time to call just one person on this list, or if you can call them all today, please take a moment to do so right now. Thank you for your continued support!

Thank you,
Ryan Hecker
Founder and President of the Contract From America

Paid for by Contract From America
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee
Donations are not deductible for income tax purposes

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Demand These 20 Members Of Congress Sign The Contract From America!

American Patriots,

We are excited to announce that our newly updated Contract From America is ready to go! Over the last few months, we have been compiling all the data we have received from you through various outlets such as Facebook, polls and direct emails.  We took all of those comments and suggestions and have updated the new 2014 Contract from America, breathing fresh life into it.

We will be sending every one of those members a current copy the contract for him or her to sign and return.  This week we began with a list of 20 currently elected members.

Like everything in life this takes time and money.  We will be sending a registered letter with a copy of the contract to get it directly into their right hands. Then, we have to make contact with each and every one of them to make sure they sign and return to show their commitment!  You can help make this a success right now.  First, please follow this link to make a contribution of $25, $50, or $100. If $100 is too much of a sacrificial gift, I hope you will chip in at least $5 to support conservatism in 2014.  Next here is the list of the first 20, please and call and tweet to help us ensure the contract is signed!

Senator David Vitter 202- 224-4623 @senatorvitter
Representative Matt Salmon 202-225-2635 @RepMattSalmon
Representative Darrell Issa 202-225-3906 @DarrellIssa
Representative Dana Rohrabacher 202-225-2415 @DanaRohrabacher
Representative Scott Garrett 202-225-4465 @RepGarrett
Representative Jeb Hensarling 202-225-3484 @RepHensarling
Representative Walter Jones 202-225-3415 @RepWalterJones
Representative Bill Cassidy 202-225-3901 @BillCassidy
Representative Marsha Blackburn 202-225-2811 @MarshaBlackburn
Senator Pat Toomey 202-224-4254 @SenToomey
Senator Pat Roberts 202-224-4774 @SenPatRoberts
Representative Robert Pittenger 202-225-1976 @reppittenger
Representative Jim Bridenstine 202-225-2211 @RepJBridenstine
Senator Jim Risch 202-224-2752 @SenatorRisch
Senator James Inhofe 202-224-4721 @jiminhofe
Representative Tom McClintock 202-225-2511 @RepMcClintock
Representative Trent Franks 202-225-4576 @RepTrentFranks
Representative Michael Burgess 202-225-7772 @michaelcburgess
Senator Jeff Flake 202-224-4521 @JeffFlake
Senator John Cornyn 202-224-2934 @JohnCornyn
Senator Mary Landrieu 202-224-5824 @MaryLandrieu
Senator Mark Pryor 202-224-2353 @SenMarkPryor
Senator Mark Begich 202-224-3004 @SenatorBegich

Our goal is to raise $30,000 over the next few weeks. Our organization pays no salaries, so all money donated will go directly towards promoting the movement. Please consider a small donation to help us send a message to squishy D.C. politicians and demand real conservative economic change, not just lip service.

Please follow this link to stand with us and make your contribution of at least $5 or more.

Thank you,
Ryan Hecker
Founder and President of the Contract From America

Paid for by Contract From America
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee
Donations are not deductible for income tax purposes

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

[ALERT] The 13 common words that will get your email flagged by the NSA

Contract From America is forwarding this special message to you from our friends at Sponsorships like this help us fight the battle to keep America free and elected officials responsible. All personal information of Contract From America subscribers is kept in strict confidence and never shared with sponsors. We appreciate your support.
- Contract From America

Dear Concerned American,

It may have already happened.

YOU could be flagged as a potential terrorist by the NSA.

All it takes is using these very simple and very common words in an email and then – BOOM – you're on the blacklist. By the time you've read this email, you'll have seen all 13 words.

That's not even the scariest part.

No, what's worse is that these words aren't codes or threatening in the least.

(In fact, you've already seen 3 of them.)

These spying thugs don't care what you're talking about or whom you're talking to, if you raise the flag, then you get put under the microscope. Our founding fathers must be spinning in their graves watching these jack-booted thugs use our Constitution as a dishrag. (Hint: I've used 9 of them now.)

Luckily, our friend and patriot 'folk hero' has found a loophole in their system. With this simple little trick, you can avoid those spying thugs and take control of your privacy FOR GOOD.

And you can talk to, or about, anyone you like without fear of retribution from Obama's minions.


(Did you find all the words? Don't worry, after watching my video to the end you won't have to worry about what words you use or who's listening ever again.)

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Arlington | TX | 20230

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Revealed! The one thing that will take down Obama... finally

 Contract From America is forwarding this special message to you from our friends at Health Sciences Institute. Sponsorships like this help us fight the battle to keep America free and elected officials responsible. All personal information of Contract From America subscribers is kept in strict confidence and never shared with sponsors. We appreciate your support.
- Contract From America

Dear Reader,

Is this the scandal that will bring down Obama's presidency and Obamacare with it?

Did his FDA really approve these 7 toxic drugs for sale to American citizens? There's a 66% chance YOU are taking one of them right now. [Click here to reveal the complete list now.]

Please, at least click here to expose the complete list of the 7 deadly drugs now on sale.

To knowing the truth,

Paul Amos
Associate Director, HSI

P.S. The scandal is getting worse: A Nobel prize winner's cancer cure (tumors disappear in 6 weeks with no side effects) was completely ignored by the FDA. Click here now to get every shocking detail.

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Saturday, April 12, 2014

This was the #1 Item to Hoard in 2014

Contract From America is forwarding this special message to you from our friends at
Food4Patriots. Sponsorships like this help us fight the battle to keep America free and elected officials responsible. All personal information of Contract From America subscribers is kept in strict confidence and never shared with sponsors. We appreciate your support.
- Contract From America

Do you know the #1 item to hoard in 2014? [Hint: It's more valuable as gold in a crisis]


There are some people out there who think folks like you & me are a bit "odd".


They think having gold and survival food stockpiled for a disaster is something they can put off for "someday" or "never".


But those people are just hiding their heads in the sand. They are dead wrong -- and you are dead right.


You've seen the evidence and you know the situation is way too serious not to do something about. When a crisis hits, you'll be ready. You'll make darn sure your family won't go hungry or get herded into a FEMA camp.


The fact is, if you don't take action or if you stockpile the wrong foods, you could be setting your family up to starve. It sounds harsh, but the truth is too many people with good intentions are making critical mistakes with their food stockpiles.


Mistakes like...

  • Buying MREs with a 5 year shelf life (depending on where you buy them from they could be near expired)...   
  • Getting gross survival foods that are tough to stomach and so high in salt, MSG and preservatives you could clog your arteries and get yourself sick...   
  • Or simply buying the wrong foods and leaving a critical hole in your meal plan, which means your family can become malnourished...

Well, I decided to stop worrying. Obviously, waiting for FEMA to give me a handout in a disaster just wasn't an option for me. And I was completely turned off by the crazy prices of survival food sold by most stores.

So I got in touch with my buddy Frank Bates and put my order in for his Food4Patriots survival food kits. This is Frank's new line of survival food and there are 4 reasons why it's literally flying off the shelves:

  • Food4Patriots is an incredible value. This high quality survival food without any fillers or poor-quality "franken-food" that the other guys use to pad their survival meals. They are made and packaged right here in the U.S.A. You won't believe the prices on these kits - a fraction of the price what some other brands charge.   
  • There's no fancy packaging, it's military-grade sturdy stuff and can stand up to the crazy things that happen in a crisis.  This food has a shelf life of up to 25 years, so you have complete peace of mind for the long term. And he's using the most compact kits so you can store them anywhere in your home without any extra hassle. They're sturdy, waterproof and stack easily. And extremely covert too.   
  • You can make these meals in less than 20 minutes; just add boiling water, simmer, and serve. I tried 'em and I think they taste as good or better than any other survival food I've EVER had. And you get a whole slew of choices for breakfast, lunch and dinner so you don't get stuck eating the same thing day-in and day-out.   
  • Frank has come up with some impressive FREE bonuses that are ONLY available to folks who purchase one of his kits on a first-come, first-served basis. For example, my kit 3-month came with free shipping, 5,400+ heirloom survival seeds, 4 hard copy books, a 11-in-1 survival tool, and some other cool stuff.

I want to make sure you don't miss out on this because this is the #1 item to hoard in 2014.


Survival food is the perfect complement to gold. You need to get 'er done right now.


Here's why... If you don't take action to get your food stockpile right now, you'll be in the same boat as the brainwashed masses who think "everything is fine." And if a crisis hits and your family asks, "What are we going to eat?" your mouth will go dry and you'll feel powerless.


But what if you decide right now to secure your food stockpile instead? Just imagine how much better you'll feel right away. And if a crisis hits and your family asks, "What are we going to eat?" you'll calmly reassure them that they're safe and they will have plenty to eat.


Listen, I can't predict the future. I don't know exactly when or how a crisis will hit. But from everything I see, it could be soon and it could be a big one.


That's why I really want you to get the same peace of mind that I do.

>> Go grab your kit now before they're all gone.


P.S. Got a call from Frank and you'll never believe this... FEMA and DHS just tried to buy up his entire supply of food! Can you believe that BS? Frank's blowing the whistle and showing the world FEMA's plot in his new video. Go watch the video right here:


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