Thursday, April 24, 2014

Article V Convention of States - Historical Information (Very Important)

With our Federal government out of control it is imperative we understand (and employ) the tools the (Framing and Ratifying) Founders gave us. 

I'm sure at this point you have heard of the (movement) that is calling for an Article V Convention of States.  What you may not know is there is a great deal of (mis)information being circulated.  If you've not yet made up your mind, or even if you have, attached is a wealth of historical information on the subject you've probably not seen or read.  The listings start with our Convention of States Handbook, the briefest of the information (24 pages):

From there, if you are interested in knowing about Article V at a high level of detail, I've included a link to our Compendium For Lawyers and  Legislative Drafters (and concerned citizens) who want to engage the Article V process at a high intellectual level.  I've included a link where you can download it in full (313 pages – PDF):

If you are interested in learning more but don't feel the need to tackle the 313 page compendium linked above, you can take a look at two independent articles by Dr. Robert Natelson that happen to be in the larger work.  The first is from the Tennessee Law Review and is titled "Proposing Constitutional Amendments by Convention: Rules Governing the Process.  The second is from the Florida Law Review and is titled "Founding-Era Conventions and the Meaning of the Constitution's Convention for Proposing Amendments".  If you take the time to read any of these I assure you that you will know more about this subject than 99.9% of America.   I love history and have studied it for many years and I have a Master's degree in Law, but I did not know the history surrounding this subject. 

  1. Taken from the Tennessee Law Review.  Much of the mystery surrounding the Constitution's state-application-and-convention amendment process is unnecessary:  History and case law enable us to resolve most questions. This Article is the first in the legal literature to access the full Founding-Era record on the subject, including the practices of inter-colonial and interstate conventions held during the 1770s and 1780s. Relying on that record, together with post-Founding practices, understandings, and case law, this Article clarifies the rules governing applications and convention calls, and the roles of legislatures and conventions in the process. The goal of the Article is objective exposition rather than advocacy or special pleading.  Click the link and you'll see a "download" button to get the article.   Document title is:  Proposing Constitutional Amendments by Convention: Rules Governing the Process  (58 pages)

  1. Taken from the Florida Law Review.  Under Article V of the U.S. Constitution, two thirds of state legislatures may require Congress to call a "Convention for proposing Amendments." Because this procedure has never been used, commentators frequently debate the composition of the convention and the rules governing the application and convention process. However, the debate has proceeded almost entirely without knowledge of the many multi-colony and multi-state conventions held during the eighteenth century, of which the Constitutional Convention was only one. These conventions were governed by universally-accepted convention practices and protocols. This Article surveys those conventions and shows how their practices and protocols shaped the meaning of Article V.  


If you click on this link you will be taken to the Florida Law Review where you will see a PDF link for the article.   Document title is:  Founding-Era Conventions and the Meaning of the Constitution's "Convention for Proposing Amendments"  (96 pages)


I'm thanking you ahead of time for taking a look.  The subject is that serious.

If you'd like to discuss, desire to help, or would like further information please do not hesitate to write (or call).


In (and for) Liberty,



Ken Mayo

National Director of Coalitions & Field Operations

Convention of States

Office:  540-227-4403

Mobile: 215-962-1712



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