American Patriots,
We are excited to announce that our newly updated Contract From America is ready to go! Over the last few months, we have been compiling all the data we have received from you through various outlets such as Facebook, polls and direct emails. We took all of those comments and suggestions and have updated the new 2014 Contract from America, breathing fresh life into it.
We will be sending every one of those members a current copy the contract for him or her to sign and return. This week we began with a list of 20 currently elected members.
Like everything in life this takes time and money. We will be sending a registered letter with a copy of the contract to get it directly into their right hands. Then, we have to make contact with each and every one of them to make sure they sign and return to show their commitment! You can help make this a success right now. First, please follow this link to make a contribution of $25, $50, or $100. If $100 is too much of a sacrificial gift, I hope you will chip in at least $5 to support conservatism in 2014. Next here is the list of the first 20, please and call and tweet to help us ensure the contract is signed!
Senator David Vitter | 202- 224-4623 | @senatorvitter |
Representative Matt Salmon | 202-225-2635 | @RepMattSalmon |
Representative Darrell Issa | 202-225-3906 | @DarrellIssa |
Representative Dana Rohrabacher | 202-225-2415 | @DanaRohrabacher |
Representative Scott Garrett | 202-225-4465 | @RepGarrett |
Representative Jeb Hensarling | 202-225-3484 | @RepHensarling |
Representative Walter Jones | 202-225-3415 | @RepWalterJones |
Representative Bill Cassidy | 202-225-3901 | @BillCassidy |
Representative Marsha Blackburn | 202-225-2811 | @MarshaBlackburn |
Senator Pat Toomey | 202-224-4254 | @SenToomey |
Senator Pat Roberts | 202-224-4774 | @SenPatRoberts |
Representative Robert Pittenger | 202-225-1976 | @reppittenger |
Representative Jim Bridenstine | 202-225-2211 | @RepJBridenstine |
Senator Jim Risch | 202-224-2752 | @SenatorRisch |
Senator James Inhofe | 202-224-4721 | @jiminhofe |
Representative Tom McClintock | 202-225-2511 | @RepMcClintock |
Representative Trent Franks | 202-225-4576 | @RepTrentFranks |
Representative Michael Burgess | 202-225-7772 | @michaelcburgess |
Senator Jeff Flake | 202-224-4521 | @JeffFlake |
Senator John Cornyn | 202-224-2934 | @JohnCornyn |
Senator Mary Landrieu | 202-224-5824 | @MaryLandrieu |
Senator Mark Pryor | 202-224-2353 | @SenMarkPryor |
Senator Mark Begich | 202-224-3004 | @SenatorBegich |
Our goal is to raise $30,000 over the next few weeks. Our organization pays no salaries, so all money donated will go directly towards promoting the movement. Please consider a small donation to help us send a message to squishy D.C. politicians and demand real conservative economic change, not just lip service.
Please follow this link to stand with us and make your contribution of at least $5 or more.
Thank you,
Ryan Hecker
Founder and President of the Contract From America
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