Monday, June 8, 2015

TPA/TPP - PRIORITY Conference Call with Coalition for a Strong America (Senator Sessions may be joining us)

Dear Friend,

This week Congress is currently considering the Trade Promotion Authority.  This bill, called TPA or Fast Track, will guarantee that all Trade Treaties and the associated implementation legislation will get an up or down vote in Congress, with no opportunity to offer amendments. If Congress gives this President TPA, among other things we know the next "trade" treaty, what is called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) will do the following: (see more at the link below)

- Put American Law UNDER International Tribunals
- Change Immigration law to allow more cheap labor for jobs Americans do want
- Allow International Courts to impose Climate Change, Gun Control and other Regulations.  

I'm sending this invitation because you are a grassroots leader in your community.  You may recall I started reaching out to you about this issue back in 2013, explaining then that we needed to put pressure on Congress to not give this president (or any other for that matter) their Article 1 Section 8 power over Trade.  Well it is now upon us.  They will be voting this week and we need your help.

Whether you're committed or not, please block out tomorrow night to hear from our friend Stephani Scruggs, National Co-Chair of the Coalition for a Strong America. Many of you may know Stephani from her days as National Co-Chair for Glenn Beck's 912 Project.  And although we do not yet have confirmations, we are working to have a few members of Congress join us on the call, including Senator Jeff Sessions (AL), a man that is risking a lot (five years in prison) to fight this bill.  

Stephani and some others have been engaged full time on this issue for the last year, making numerous trips to DC for meetings with legislators, and she has asked us to join her on a call tomorrow night for an update on the progress of TPA in the House, and what is needed from us before Thursday's vote. 
The call will be at 9:00 pm Tuesday Night, June 9th.  

Dial in number: 641-715-3580  
Access Code: 688-112

For information on the issue please read here:

In Liberty,
Ken Mayo
Cell: 215-962-1712

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