Thursday, August 30, 2012

Big Ideas Require Strong Leadership

Big Changes Require Real Leadership

As Gov. Chris Christie took the stage to give the Republican National Committee's keynote address, thousands of attendees held up signs that said "Strong Leadership Chris Christie." And this was the exact theme of his speech: the big changes this country needs require strong leadership.

And this is a belief held firmly by us at Contract from America. The big ideas laid out in the contract, like fundamental tax reform, passing an all-of-the-above energy policy, and putting a stop to the runaway government spending, will not be realized by those who hem and haw at the prospect of these proposals. Big ideas like this require leaders who are willing to stand up for what they believe, speak the truth to the American people, and sign the Contract from America!

We are going to continue to reach out to candidates for office and invite them to sign the Contract. This will give us the opportunity to hold them accountable once they get to Washington, and it will give us representation in our nation's capitol when these policy proposals are finally brought up for a vote.

The Tea Party movement is built on these seemingly simple, yet big ideas. These commonsense reforms represent a complete change from the way Washington does business, and in order to build the momentum necessary to enact these in reforms, we need to join together as a grassroots movement. Please join today with the tens of thousands of people who have stood with us in support of the Tea Party movement and its big policy proposals by making a donation today.

Best Wishes,

Contract From America Team

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Admin invited you to Peninsula Tea Party's "Peninsula Tea Party Sept Meeting"

Peninsula Tea Party Sept Meeting
Wed, September 26, 6:30 PM EDT
26 people invited
Peninsula Tea Party September Meeting
"Tax Implications of Obamacare"
Wednesday, September 26 @ 6:30pm
Keagan's Restaurant
12551 Jefferson Ave, Ste 201
Newport News, VA 23602 
Ray Nations will present taxes imposed through Obamacare. He owns a Liberty Tax Service franchise since 2008 and has practiced accounting since 1982.
In July, Dr. Triepel discussed how Obamacare affects Doctor-Patient relationship and how it affects healthcare in general. Ray will discuss the taxes imduced by Health Care Act and how they'll affect us all.
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You've Influenced the GOP Platform

New GOP Platform Influenced By Contract from America

As the Republican Party convenes in Tampa to officially nominate Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, they are also set to approve the 2012 GOP Platform. And wouldn't you know it, but the platform's planks reflect the priorities and items in the Contract from America!

Here are just a few points in the GOP Platform with roots in the Contract from America:

1. Fundamental tax reform
2. Demanding a balanced budget
3. Ending runaway government spending
4. Repealing ObamaCare
5. Passing a Comprehensive Energy Policy
6. Protecting the Constitution

These are just a few of the places where Contract from America has influenced the platform of the Republican Party, and that means that our hard work is paying off.

The hundreds of thousands of people who have signed the Contract from America, then leaders and candidates who have endorsed its principles, and even the powerful ideas embodied within the contract have made sure that the platform reflects the type of reforms that this country needs.

In order to continue to keep the momentum growing, we need to continue to grow. We will be reaching out to those who haven't signed the Contract, and we will be asking them to stand with us to support the ideas that will get this economy moving again.

We need your support to make this happen. It takes resources to contact literally millions of people, and we rely on the generosity and support of patriots just like you. Over half a million people have signed the Contract from America, so we don't need the George Soros-like donations the left depends on. We just need individual donations of whatever great Americans like you can afford. Whether that's $10 or $100 or even more, we can pool together thousands of donations to keep our momentum and this grassroots movement going forward.

Please make your contribution right now.

Best Wishes,

Contract From America Team

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Friday, August 24, 2012

We Have Proof: It Works

Candidates Are Signing the Contract from America Because Of You

Last week we asked you to call a list of 10 candidates and ask them to sign the Contract from America. Since then, three of the candidates you invited have become signatories: Ron Gould, Mark Meadows, and Andy Barr!

This is proof that our political leaders listen to you! So we're going to do it again - below is a list of 12 more candidates. Please, take a moment out of your day to contact them RIGHT NOW and ask them to join us in standing up for the values of individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom.

Ben Quayle (AZ-6)
(480) 306-4737
Randy Weber (TX-14)
(281) 410-8914
Mia Love (UT-4)
(801) 657-5534
Steve Daines (MT-AL)
(406) 600-1153
Jim Bridenstine (OK-1)
(918) 877-0252
Kevin Cramer (ND-At Large)
(701) 751-0933
Brad Wenstrup (OH-2)
(513) 279-2723
Susan Brooks (IN-5)
(317) 663-8218
Richard Hudson (NC-08)
(704) 795-2012
George Holding (NC-13)
(919) 755-4083
Robert Pittenger (NC-09)
(704) 650-1722
Joe Coors (CO-7)
(303) 526-0811

There is a clear correlation between the candidates who sign the Contract from America and how they vote in Congress. By asking them to sign, you're asking them to guarantee that they will support our values once they are elected.

Whether you can call all 12 candidates, or just one or two, your efforts mean we will have more elected leaders committed to preserving our shared values.

Best Wishes,

Contract From America Team

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Contract is Key to Tea Party Success

The Contract from America Key Component of Tea Party Movement

The Contract from America is a grassroots-generated, bottom-up call for real economic conservative and good governance reform - and it's a key component of the Tea Party movement!

Undoing the damage done by the Obama economy, protecting personal liberty, and restoring American exceptionalism are top priorities for conservatives across the country, and the Contract from America is an important part of making that happen.

By demanding a balanced budget, rejecting cap-and-trade, and calling for an immediate end to runaway government spending, the Contract from America has laid out the policy demands of the tea party movement and has set the blueprint for restoring limited government, free markets, and fiscal responsibility. Over 500 candidates have signed the contract, including Senators Rand Paul, Jim DeMint, and Marco Rubio.

We are at a moment in history that demands action from us. We cannot afford to allow the left to continue to take us down the path of government dependence and trillion-dollar deficits. By holding our leaders accountable and voting out the politicians who don't support our constitutionally conservative values, we can put this country back on the right track.

If you support the tea party movement and the Contract from America, then make a contribution today. The strength of the movement is that it's bottom-up - the power and responsibility belongs to the individuals. By pooling together the contributions of hundreds of thousands of patriots, we can influence the direction of this country.

Have your voice heard today. Stand with us, support the tea party movement, and make a donation --HERE--

Best Wishes,

Contract From America Team

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Thursday, August 16, 2012

You Made It Happen

They Signed It Because You Invited Them

Earlier this week we asked you to reach out to a handful of candidates and invite them to sign the Contract from America. And you know what? It worked!

Ron Gould, who is running for Congress in Arizona, got your phone calls and signed the Contract for America, and so did Mark Meadows, who is running in North Carolina! These are two great patriots who we know will also make great Congressmen.

On top of this great news, Contract for America signatories Ron DeSantis and Ted Yoho both staged huge upsets in the Congressional primaries on Tuesday.

This is just further proof of what we already know: Americans from all over the country are uniting around the values and vision of the Contract for America.

As we move closer to November, we will continue to encourage candidates to sign the Contract, and we will fight to elect those who stand with us in support of individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom.

And we rely on your support to make this happen. Just like it was you who called the candidates and invited them to sign the Contract, it's patriots just like you who we depend on for financial support.

Please help us continue the fight to support the candidates who sign the Contract from America by making a contribution today. Your support, no matter the amount, will help us continue the fight.

Best Wishes,

Contract From America Team

August, 16 2012


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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ask These Candidates To Sign the Contract

More Candidates Are Signing the Contract from America

As state primaries come and go and the November elections rapidly approach, more and more candidates are affirming their support for the Contract from America.

Kerry Bentivolio, the Republican nominee for Michigan's 11th District, just joined over 500,000 patriots from across the country in signing the Contract from America, and we need to get even more candidates to join us!

Help us turn up the heat on candidates who haven't signed the contract yet by giving them a call and inviting them to do so. Below is a list of 11 candidates who we would like to sign the Contract from America, and you can help make that happen by calling them today and asking them to visit to sign it!

Ron Gould (AZ) (928) 854-6971
Jim Bridenstine (OK) (918) 877-0252
Mark Meadows (NC) (828) 697-5012
Andy Barr (KY) (859) 806-8683
Kevin Cramer (ND) (701) 751-0933
Brad Wenstrup (OH) (513) 279-2723
Chris Stewart (UT) (801) 447-0475
Scott Perry (PA) (717) 819-2091
George Holding (NC) (919) 755-4083
Robert Pittenger (NC) (704) 650-1722

Whether you can call just one or two, or if you can call the entire list, by inviting these candidates to sign the contract, we can be sure that they will represent our values once elected.

Thank you for your hard work in support of the cause!

Best Wishes,

Contract From America Team

August, 14 2012


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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Friday, August 10, 2012

What Do These Three Have In Common?

The Contract from America helps create new leaders

On Tuesday, Rep. Todd Akin won Missouri's Republican Primary for the US Senate, setting up a showdown with incumbent Democrat Claire McCaskill.

This is on the heels of the Tea Party-backed Ted Cruz's primary win in Texas last week, and just three months after the upset that started it all: Richard Mourdock's victory over Obama's favorite Republican, Dick Lugar in Indiana.

Aside from being Republican nominees for the US Senate, do you know what these three patriots have in common? They have all signed the Contract from America!

You can see a list of all the signatories, like Sen. Mike Lee, Rep. Jason Chaffetz, and Sen. Jim DeMint, by visiting our website.

While we continue to fight for the candidates and elected officials who have stood in support of the Contract from America, we need your help as well. We need you to ask your friends and family members to join you - and the tens of thousands of other patriots who have stood for our shared values - in signing the contract today at

Best Wishes,

Contract From America Team

August 9, 2012


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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004