If we allow these executive orders to go unopposed, it will allow Obama to expand his control over our nation and our future. Don't like Obamacare? It is going to get worse. A secret national database with your private medical information plus a Big-government registry of every single gun owner in America.
Think about it; your Doctor is being encouraged to report you to Obama if he believes you may have a gun in your home. Outrageous!
I refuse. I will not allow it! I cannot be silent and allow this radical President in a second term to violate the Constitution - to violate the rule of law - to use your hard-earned tax money to violate your own Second Amendment rights.
Make no mistake, a bunch of weak-kneed politicians and bureaucrats in Washington agree with Obama's agenda. They won't lift a finger to defend you. They won't stand for the Rule of Law or the Constitution.
But I pledge to do anything and everything to defend you and your family against Obama and those in Washington who want to take away your freedoms. Whether it is the Second Amendment, your First Amendment rights, or simply your right to be free American citizens, I will fight the continual onslaught against your families and your freedoms.
Liberty is too precious to quietly allow any President to show such disregard for the rule of law, fiscal responsibility, and the foundations of our democracy.
Make no mistake: Conservative colleagues and I pledge to do anything and everything to defend your rights against Obama and the Liberal Media's assault on freedom. And with your support, we will win this fight. Make your contribution of $35 today by clicking here.
An independent voice for Liberty,

Congressman Tim Huelskamp