Friday, June 14, 2013

Would you join Rand Paul's lawsuit?

Do You Stand With Rand?


Contract for America signer Sen. Rand Paul is at it again!

Yesterday on Fox News' Cavuto, Rand Paul called for the public to join him as part of a joint lawsuit against the federal government for going through private citizens' phone records without due cause.

Here is some of what he had to say:

"We are asking people who have been affected by this spying if they want to sue the government and say, you know what, this is unconstitutional... What we're saying is that the government has no right, through a single warrant, to search everyone's records. The government does have a right under the Fourth Amendment, if you are accused of a crime and there is probable cause, they can go after you and if your phone records lead to other people they can get warrants to go after them. That's good police work, but looking at everybody's phone records I think really goes against what we stand for as a free people."

So what we want to know is, what do you think? Reply to this email with your thoughts and comments.

If you like the idea, we will reach out to Sen. Paul's office directly to share your thoughts with him! The Contract From America is only as strong as the concerned citizens that back it. So speak up, speak out and together, let's change this country!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

Paid for by Contract From America
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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Did Joe Biden compliment the CFA!?

True Leadership Is Recognized


Congress hasn't seen principled leadership in decades, so it's no surprise that when it suddenly appears in the form of a few freshman Senators, many beltway insiders get ticked off.

Case in point: Contract From America signers Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

This week at a campaign rally for liberal senatorial candidate, Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA), Vice President Joe Biden had this to say about these two CFA signers:

"Have you ever seen a time when two freshman senators are able to cower the bulk of the Republican Party in the Senate? That is not hyperbole... I called 17 Senators out [on gun background checks], nine of whom were Republicans... they said, 'I don't want to take on Ted Cruz. I don't want to take on Rand Paul. They'll be in my district.' "I actually said, 'Are you kidding? These are two freshman,' ... They're not bad guys, and they're both very bright guys. And I'm not questioning their motive."

This is what happens when real conservative leadership is injected into a stuffy, do-nothing chamber like the Senate; they get scared. We need more of this kind of leadership in the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House, and state legislatures around the country!

But to do this, we need to make sure the Contract From America has their signature on it and they are held accountable to their pledge like these two great Senators are.

We will continue to demand that all legislators uphold the constitutional principles of the Contract. In the coming weeks we will kick-start an aggressive campaign at the grassroots level and in Washington D.C. like you've never seen before.

Ahead of the 2014 mid-term elections, we will begin a major petition effort to consolidate support for our most pressing issues, then head to Capitol Hill to make sure that Congress is getting the message loud and clear! We will also be reaching out to every candidate who throws their hat into the 2014 ring to let them know that if they are to get the support of the conservative base, they must sign the Contract From America!

The future looks bright for the conservative movement and the Contract From America is leading the way!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

Paid for by Contract From America
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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

You'll like our next organizational steps!

The Next Level


Every day that passes, a new scandal emerges from Washington D.C. that exposes corruption and wide-spread abuse of the U.S. Constitution.

We can no longer allow this to continue;
the time for action is now!

Over the next few weeks we will begin to roll out a series of petitions that will allow you to directly contact your member of congress, demanding they open their ears and listen to the American people.

The goal of these petitions is to overwhelm those who seek to destroy America!

But we will not stop there. We will also be going to Capitol Hill to meet with legislators directly, signers and non-signers of the Contract From America, to make sure they get the message loud and clear!

We can't afford to let arrogant D.C. politicians bully us and pull the wool over our eyes any longer! Make sure to keep checking your inbox this week for more updates and get ready to take this movement for governmental refom to the next level!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

Paid for by Contract From America
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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Saturday, June 8, 2013

This Is What Happens...

The Contract Is Working


The Contract From America is having a real impact in Washington D.C.! From the U.S. Senate and U.S. House, Contract signers have held true to the promise they made to the American people and are showing Congress what real leadership looks like.

Sen. Ted Cruz for example, signed the Contract back in 2011 and
has been a stalwart conservative in the U.S. Senate, fighting insane gun control measures and refusing to back down to liberal intimidation.  

But the examples don't stop there...

Sen. Rand Paul has been courageous in fighting for the liberty of every American. Through his actions, he has shown everyone in this country that the Constitution will remain alive and well as long as patriots like him step up to the plate.

Sen. Marco Rubio and Sen. Mike Lee have been indispensable conservative voices in the U.S. Senate, working to reduce the size of government.

Rep. Mick Mulvaney has used his post in the U.S. House to fight President Obama's liberal agenda and make sure that the people's house abides by the principles in the Contract he signed!

The list goes on and on. Contract from America signers hold some of the most influential offices in the country and it is encouraging to see them living up to their promise! You see, this is why the Contract is so important. Without these leaders, our country would be headed in an even worse direction.

We must continue to demand candidates sign and adhere to the Contract from America; because it works!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

Paid for by Contract From America
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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Thursday, June 6, 2013

$50 Million and Counting

Contract From America is forwarding this special message to you from our friends at the McConnell Senate Committee 2014. Sponsorships like this help us fight the battle to keep America free and elected officials responsible. All personal information of Contract From America subscribers is kept in strict confidence and never shared with sponsors.  We appreciate your support.

- Contract From America


Where does it end?

First, we find out that the IRS intentionally targeted conservatives for their ideological views and now we have discovered that the IRS spent FIFTY MILLION of your taxpayer dollars on 200 "conferences" over the past 2 years.

50 million?

That sum includes baseball tickets, presidential suites, and line dancing classes for IRS employees, and we paid for every dime of it.

It's clear that there is a systemic failure in management at the IRS and, unfortunately, I do not think that we have fully discovered everything that took place at the corrupt bureaucracy. Sign our petition and help us uncover what truly happened at the IRS.

For an organization like the IRS, which is charged with collecting our tax dollars and holding us accountable when we fail to pay, this level of corruption is absolutely unacceptable. Americans, regardless of their political views, should never be subjected to this kind of harassment and targeting from the federal government.

Who is responsible for the targeting and lavish expenditures? Where did the orders originate? These questions are still unanswered because almost nobody at the IRS knows what is going on, and those who do know have invoked their Fifth Amendment right to remain silent.

This behavior should never occur in a democracy, yet we conservatives have been dealing with it for years.

You can help us get the answers that we deserve by signing our petition today.

And, if you can, please consider donating $5 to our efforts.

For Freedom, 

Mitch McConnell

Visit our website


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McConnell Senate Committee 2014
228 S. Washington St., Ste. 115
Alexandria, VA 22314

Paid For By McConnell Senate Committee 2014

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Government Secret Email Addresses Exposed

Secret Email Addresses Unveiled


As if Americans couldn't get any more suspicious about the federal government over the past few weeks,
new reports surfaced today that top Obama aides and officials are using secret email accounts to potentially avoid scrutiny.

The potential ramifications of this are massive! Secret accounts and aliases can go missing upon the departure of these employees, meaning that these messages will never see the light of day even if they are legally obligated to release all records.

Imagine all the IRS officials whose emails will never be released because no one knows they exist! Imagine the employees of the State Department who communicated by secret email accounts during the critical hours in Libya on Sept. 11, 2012. Or how about future officials who will be implementing Obamacare!

We must continue to push for change in government or soon there will be ZERO accountability in Washington D.C.! Please donate right now to the Contract from America and let's start to root out all of the secrecy and corruption in D.C.

The Contract From America holds our decision-makers in elected office accountable by making them sign their names to a document that becomes a pact with with people of America. By donating today you will be helping fuel this document and attract great candidates who will abide by it!

No more secrets, let's get some accountability! Donate today!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

Paid for by Contract From America
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee
Donations are not deductible for income tax purposes

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

We Were Right!

Obamacare is Already Failing


Well that didn't take long!
Obamacare hasn't even gone into effect yet and already major complications are arising. From cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, to shortages in doctors, to rationed coverage, all of the criticisms of the healthcare overhaul that were warned about are seemingly coming to pass ahead of schedule.

Cuts in existing entitlements are forcing doctors to turn away patients. But now with nearly 30 million people about to join a government run health care program, some projections say that we may have a doctor shortage to the tune of 45,000 doctors by 2020! If this doesn't sound bad enough, consider the decreasing incentives for new doctors in light of more government control of the industry.

Scared yet? Obamacare is already a failure, and if something doesn't change soon we will find ourselves over our heads in entitlement spending. This is why repealing and replacing Obamacare is a core principle of the Contract From America. In fact, CFA signer Sen. Ted Cruz has already vowed to completely repeal Obamacare!

Over the next year battles will be waged at every level of government on the implementation and repeal of certain areas of Obamacare legislation. We must be ready for all of them! Donate just $7 today and let's make sure that we demand legislators nationwide sign the Contract and are held to their promise to oppose national health care at ever turn!

Future generations cannot afford Obamacare in its present form and we will not allow it to stand! Make a donation today and lets repeal this horrible legislation!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

Paid for by Contract From America
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Donations are not deductible for income tax purposes

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Sunday, June 2, 2013

"Higher-Ups" Involved In Cracking Down On YOU!

Where Does It End?


This week we learned that it wasn't just a few rogue IRS agents in Cincinnati who were targeting conservative groups, but "higher-ups" at the agency were also requesting information and additional scrutiny!

As the investigation continues, more and more damning reports are emerging about the broader, concerted effort to silence tea party conservative groups like ours. Among the letters released as part of the investigation was one signed by Loris Lerner, who pleaded the 5th last week and refused questioning before a U.S. House committee.

How far up does it go?! Friend, this is the face of big government. Now we know that the evils that may have originated from mid-level bureaucrats made their way all the way into the highest levels of government.

Harry Truman famously said of the Oval Office that "The Buck Stops Here," however in Barack Obama's White House, that maxim does not apply. Corruption in government is a cancer and conservatives have become its latest victim!

We cannot allow this to continue and must demand independent prosecutors, the firing of all involved, and a return to our founding principles of small government and low taxes found in the Contract From America!

Will you donate right now to help us bring the constitutional hammer down on Congress and recruit great candidates to run in 2014? If we do not act fast, these scandals will continue to bloom and our freedoms will continue to dwindle!

Let's purge our government of this disease of corruption and demand accountability. Donate to the Contract From America today!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

Paid for by Contract From America
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee
Donations are not deductible for income tax purposes

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004