Tuesday, June 4, 2013

We Were Right!

Obamacare is Already Failing


Well that didn't take long!
Obamacare hasn't even gone into effect yet and already major complications are arising. From cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, to shortages in doctors, to rationed coverage, all of the criticisms of the healthcare overhaul that were warned about are seemingly coming to pass ahead of schedule.

Cuts in existing entitlements are forcing doctors to turn away patients. But now with nearly 30 million people about to join a government run health care program, some projections say that we may have a doctor shortage to the tune of 45,000 doctors by 2020! If this doesn't sound bad enough, consider the decreasing incentives for new doctors in light of more government control of the industry.

Scared yet? Obamacare is already a failure, and if something doesn't change soon we will find ourselves over our heads in entitlement spending. This is why repealing and replacing Obamacare is a core principle of the Contract From America. In fact, CFA signer Sen. Ted Cruz has already vowed to completely repeal Obamacare!

Over the next year battles will be waged at every level of government on the implementation and repeal of certain areas of Obamacare legislation. We must be ready for all of them! Donate just $7 today and let's make sure that we demand legislators nationwide sign the Contract and are held to their promise to oppose national health care at ever turn!

Future generations cannot afford Obamacare in its present form and we will not allow it to stand! Make a donation today and lets repeal this horrible legislation!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

Paid for by Contract From America
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee
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