Friday, December 28, 2012

Sign The Petition - Politicians Can't Get It Done

4 Days Left

In four short days, the United States will fall head over heels off the fiscal cliff. On New Year's Day, if a deal is not reached, Americans everywhere will feel the painful effects of massive, across the board, tax hikes.

The Republican Party claims to represent tea party conservatives, but during these fiscal cliff negotiations they have sold us out. Speaker Boehner has continued to cave to the President's demands on tax hikes, and will soon forfeit all the conservative principles that he once claimed to hold.

That is why we have started a petition to stop the tax hikes and demanding that the Republicans stay true to the Contract From America!

Click the image below to sign the petition!:

With only 4 days to go, Speaker Boehner and the Republicans have two options: cave to the President, or fight. As supporters of The Contract From America, we signed our names to this document because we knew that, without a doubt, the principles within it were the principles that would save this country. Many current members said they were with us and now the real test has come.

Take some time today to sign this petiton and demand that the Republicans not cave to the President's tax and spend ideology! We CAN get out of this fiscal mess and the answer is found in the Contract From America!

Best Wishes,

Contract From America Team

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Tis The Season

Merry Christmas

What a year roller coaster year 2012 has been! We have seen our movement grow larger than "the experts" thought it would, and even after a disappointing election night, our Contract has continued to gain support and serve to hold our legislators accountable!

Friends, the future of the Contract From America is bright. We promise you that if we stick together the Contract will be the standard by which all conservative politicians are measured by!

From all of us here on the Contract From America Team, Merry Christmas, and a very happy and prosperous New Year!

Best Wishes,

Contract From America Team

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Relief for Alaska?

Cut the Pork

Wouldn't you think that given our financial situation, Congress would act a little more responsibly and cut back on the pet projects and earmarks? Apparently not. 

In response to Hurricane Sandy, the U.S. Senate passed a $60.4 billion relief bill. This would be more than reasonable if there was an ounce of accountability and it was not loaded down with pork.

In fact, the bill includes money to for fixes on museum roofs and the Kennedy Space Center, $3.3 million for the Plum Island Animal Disease Center, and even $150 million for fishery disasters as far away as Alaska!

The pork in this well-intended bill is concerning yet unsurprising, prompting The Club for Growth to call it a "textbook response by Congress."

This t
ype of reckless spending MUST end, and pork-filled bills are clear violations of the Contract From America. The signers of the Contract must recognize that WE ARE paying attention and WE WILL hold them accountable if the government won't.

Tea Party conservatives like ourselves recognize that government spending is beyond out of control and it has become an addiction in Washington DC. To make it worse, lawmakers try to hide their pet projects by burying them in unrelated bills, such as this one that was intended for Hurricane Sandy victims!

Together with out teams of activist
s in DC and across the country, we plan on leveraging the power of the Contract to stop this spending spree in the middle of a fiscal crisis!

This addiction has only one responsible cure: quitting cold turkey. Donate today and help us tell Congress to stop the earmarks and pork immediately before we get driven deeper and deeper in debt!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Monday, December 17, 2012

Historic Day

Contract From America is forwarding this special message to you from our friends at Tim Scott for Congress. Sponsorships like this help us fight the battle to keep America free and elected officials responsible. All personal information of Contract From America subscribers is kept in strict confidence and never shared with sponsors.  We appreciate your support.
- Contract From America

Fellow Conservative,

You may have already heard, but just a short while ago I was proud to announce that I have appointed Congressman Tim Scott to the U.S. Senate to succeed retiring Senator Jim DeMint.

This choice is not only historic, but it should make every conservative extremely happy. I've known Tim for years and I know he's going to tirelessly fight for the principles and values we both hold so dear. Principles like repealing Obamacare, defending the unborn, and slashing bloated government spending.

Will you help give Tim a warm welcome to the U.S. Senate by making a donation? He has set a goal of raising money from 10,000 conservatives in 48 hours. I know we can do it.

We both know President Obama and his liberal allies are going to do everything they can to continue ramming their agenda through Congress. Our country simply can't afford 4 years of an unchecked Obama Presidency, one where he's already famously stated his vision to "fundamentally transform America."

Tim Scott is on our side. He speaks conservative, he votes conservative, and his values are conservative. Please take a moment and be one of the 10,000 standing up today to ensure this President doesn't get a free pass just because he won re-election.

Nikki Haley

P.S. Tim's appointment means he has to run again for Senate soon. We need to help him fight off Harry Reid's machine and the union-funded Democratic Senatorial Committee that are looking for victories anywhere they can. Please be one of the first to join in support of Tim's nomination by donating $10.00 here.

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Friday, December 14, 2012

California Loses, Yet Again

Cap and Trade Fails...Again

Overlooked amid the 'fiscal cliff' fiasco, cap and trade is failing miserably in California. The California Resources Board projected that the cap and trade credits would sell at auction for upwards of $1 billion, helping ease the state's financial woes and give the Governor money for pet projects that will "help the environment."

Needless to say, the liberal environmentalists are going to be disappointed. Following the first energy credit auction last month, the legislative analyst's office now projects that if the next two auctions put up similar numbers, the state of California will bring in $140 million.

If so that would mean that California is 86% short of reaching their goal, and 100% short of creating good policy.

You all voted to put rejecting cap and trade in the Contract because you know that costly environmental regulations cost jobs and increase prices. In fact, in California alone it has been projected that over 260,000 jobs could be lost this year due to new environmental regulations.

Cap and trade doesn't work and these numbers prove it. Liberal politicians will continue to force this legislation in Washington D.C. too, despite the historic failure of the system.

Einstein once said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. This is the history of cap and trade in a nutshell. Make a donation to the Contract From America today, and let's hold ALL politicians accountable to the conservative and common sense principles within it!

Best Wishes,

Contract From America Team

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Why They Want to Disarm You

Protect Our Guns!

When our Founders first authored the Bill of Rights, they put our right to bear arms directly under our right to free speech, press, and religion. This was no accident.

Our Founding Fathers understood that in order to preserve our freedoms we had to be able to protect ourselves from those (neighbors, governments, or others) who tried to unjustly take away those freedoms.

Unfortunately, some politicians believe they know better than our Founders and seek to disarm the population. In Illinois, it looked like they had succeeded, as it had been illegal to carry a concealed weapon. But a federal appeals court in Chicago lifted the ban this week and demanded a new law be written.

Taking away our right to carry a firearm is a DIRECT violation of the Second Amendment. For that very reason, you voted to include the principle of protecting the Constitution in the Contract From America.

Politicians are always going to think they know better than responsible gun owners, and they will not stop their pursuit of abolishing gun ownership because when they succeed they gain more power.

While the appeals court in Chicago made the right decision, this should be seen as a warning to all of us. No citizen should have their rights taken away like the people of Illinois did, and now we all must rally around the Contract and its principles and make sure this ban is reversed everywhere!

Donate today and we can send a strong message to Washington D.C. and state capitols across the country letting them know we stand united against unreasonable and unconstitutional gun control!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

See Who Is Standing Up To Obama

More Governors Stand Up to Obama!

Yesterday, Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam announced that he would not be implementing a state-run health care exchange like the ones that were recommended in the Obamacare legislation. Governor Haslam is the most recent in a string of Republican governors to deny establishing a state exchange. Previous governors to do the same include Rick Perry (R-TX), Bobby Jindal (R-LA) and Scott Walker (R-WI).

Since President Obama was reelected, some conservatives have begun to believe that Obamacare is inevitable. This could not be further from the truth, and there are still things we can do at both the state and federal level that will avert this calamity!

At the state level we must rally together as tea party conservatives and demand that each governor do the responsible thing and refuse to begin an exchange in their state. The federal government has yet to provide numbers as to how much an exchange will cost to set up, and the long-term financial implications are unknown. If the president wants this, then he should take responsibility for economic results.

At the federal level, we must demand that Congress defund Obamacare. If this legislation is stripped of funding and states across the nation refuse to participate, thus leaving the federal government to deal with its own mess, then we have effectively cut off Obamacare at the roots.

Entitlement spending consumes 66 cents on every dollar of federal and state revenue. Adding Obamacare on top of that will accelerate our debt to levels never before seen.

We need your help! Please donate today so we can continue to rally fellow tea party conservatives in the grassroots and on Capitol Hill to uphold the Contract's principle to defund, repeal and replace Obamacare.

Donate today and let's kick this battle of resistance into high gear, unite around the Contract From America, and make sure that we do not provide Obamacare with the resources it needs to grow.

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Friday, December 7, 2012

Your Christmas Gifts Help Wounded Veterans!

Contract From America is forwarding this special message to you from our friends at Sponsorships like this help us fight the battle to keep America free and
elected officials responsible. All personal information of Contract From America subscribers is kept in
strict confidence and never shared with sponsors.  We appreciate your support.
- Contract From America

Stocking Stuffers That Help Troops!

This Christmas, stuff your loved ones' stockings with important and patriotic bumper stickers while a % of each sale goes to wounded veterans and the rest goes to creating awareness!

Nearly 80,000 people like our Facebook page and countless others have bought our limited edition bumper stickers with a % going to directly help wounded veterans, at while the rest goes to building awareness of the sacrifices and commitments that our troops have made to protecting freedom!

We, a few friends who grew up in military families and on military bases. started just one month ago to keep our mission moving forward and continually advance awareness for our troops and money to help wounded veterans.

So please check out our first two stickers and do America and wounded veterans a solid. They are what keep us free! Buy a few for stocking stuffers today!

Thank you for helping us advance awareness and real help for our troops worldwide and for wounded veterans returning home from battle!

Get your perfect Christmas gifts today!

The Team

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Speaker Boehner's Vendetta Against Conservatives

The Purge of Conservatives!

Several tea party conservative U.S. House members have been removed from their respective powerful committees by Speaker John Boehner, in a move that is being called "vindictive" by some members. It is no surprise Boehner made this move against these anti-tax crusaders, seeing as he just offered the President $800 billion in new revenue (aka tax hikes) in his fiscal cliff counter offer.

The members who were pulled from their committees were Kansas Republican Rep. Tim Huelskamp, Michigan Republican Rep. Justin Amash and Arizona Republican Rep. David Schweikert. All three were on either the Budget or Financial Services Committees, each with lots of power in fiscal matters.

These conservatives are some of the boldest in the House of Representatives, and Speaker Boehner's decision to remove these men from their posts is a sign of hostility toward fiscal conservatism. These members of Congress were elected to hold firm to their principles of fiscal responsibility and low taxes and they are showing courage by not backing down to the Speaker and his latest $800 billion tax hike!

Friends, the establishment of the Republican Party does not welcome tea party conservatives. This report of conservative committee purging comes on the heels of the Republican's counter-offer budget to the President that included a whole host of new taxes. The conservative wave of 2010, and the reelection of a conservative U.S. House this November was not a fluke and the people DEMAND better!

The Contract From America was created so that selfish politicians would be held accountable to conservative principles. We salute Representatives Huelskamp, Amash and Schweikert, and thank them for standing up for the same convictions that have made this Contract so strong!

So far the backlash to the Speaker's move has been harsh, and the chorus of discontent among conservatives is growing! For that we want to thank you, and hope you keep speaking out against the establishment. We will be right there alongside you every step of the way!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004