More Governors Stand Up to Obama! Yesterday, Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam announced that he would not be implementing a state-run health care exchange like the ones that were recommended in the Obamacare legislation. Governor Haslam is the most recent in a string of Republican governors to deny establishing a state exchange. Previous governors to do the same include Rick Perry (R-TX), Bobby Jindal (R-LA) and Scott Walker (R-WI). Since President Obama was reelected, some conservatives have begun to believe that Obamacare is inevitable. This could not be further from the truth, and there are still things we can do at both the state and federal level that will avert this calamity! At the state level we must rally together as tea party conservatives and demand that each governor do the responsible thing and refuse to begin an exchange in their state. The federal government has yet to provide numbers as to how much an exchange will cost to set up, and the long-term financial implications are unknown. If the president wants this, then he should take responsibility for economic results. At the federal level, we must demand that Congress defund Obamacare. If this legislation is stripped of funding and states across the nation refuse to participate, thus leaving the federal government to deal with its own mess, then we have effectively cut off Obamacare at the roots. Entitlement spending consumes 66 cents on every dollar of federal and state revenue. Adding Obamacare on top of that will accelerate our debt to levels never before seen. We need your help! Please donate today so we can continue to rally fellow tea party conservatives in the grassroots and on Capitol Hill to uphold the Contract's principle to defund, repeal and replace Obamacare. | |
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