Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What Do Reagan, Limbaugh and JFK Have In Common?

Far From Common Sense


Guess who said this:

"This administration pledged itself last summer to an across-the-board, top-to-bottom cut in personal and corporate income taxes to be enacted and become effective in 1963. I am not talking about a quickie or a temporary tax cut which would be more appropriate if a recession were imminent. Nor am I talking about giving the economy a mere shot in the arm to ease some temporary complaint. The federal government's most useful role is not to rush into a program of excessive increases in public expenditures, but to expand the incentives and opportunities of private expenditures."

It was John F. Kennedy who's 96th birthday we recognize today. JFK passed across the board tax cuts to spur economic growth, and years later, Ronald Reagan did the same to incredible results!

Is this some sort of back-handed endorsement of John F. Kennedy? Far from it. But back in October radio host Rush Limbaugh asked a great question: "I wonder how many Democrats alive hearing this today had never heard it before and are having trouble believing it? JFK. There's not a Democrat alive who would make this speech today, and this speech is exactly what is needed today."

You see, are our country has drifted very far from the common-sense principles of small government and lower taxes. With President Obama and his liberal goons in Congress running the show, we have seen government explode in size while opportunities and incentives have dwindled.

We need to return to the tried and true principles that JFK once enacted and Ronald Reagan exemplified. The only way to do this is to DEMAND that the politicians that we send to Washington abide by the principles our founders fought for. That is why the Contract From America is so important and why we need you to make a donation today to help in our efforts to grow. 

In the build up to 2014 and the battles in Washington that will precede it, we will need to collect as many resources as possible and continue to grow our organization across the country. But in order to do all this we need your help desperately.

Donate right now and help give our voice more volume so we can restore principle to government as well as sound economic policies. So what do you say? Donate to The Contract From America today!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Monday, May 27, 2013

All Gave Some, Some Gave All

Remember Those Who Made The Ultimate Sacrifice


Today we remember all of those brave men and women who gave their lives in defense of our country and the freedoms that we all hold dear.

Our nation began as an experiment that not many thought would stand the test of time. Over the years our nation has survived thanks to people from all walks of life who have decided to serve a cause greater than themselves in service to our country.

We all owe a great debt to the these patriots and their unmatched bravery in the times when our country needed them the most.

So while many of us will be meeting with friends and family for cookouts and Memorial Day parties, I hope we all will take a few moments to pause, reflect and pray for all of those members of our military whose blood was shed so that we may have this weekend to live in peace and safety.

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Friday, May 24, 2013

"We're Coming After YOU"

Fight The Nanny State!


Last week, Politico ran a damning piece entitled "D.C. Turns On Obama." This article was a great inside look at an administration whose arrogance and holier-than-thou approach to governing has created an out of control federal government that is corrupt and trampling on our civil liberties.

The reason we share this with you today is because of one interesting paragraph regarding the scandals:

""And it goes beyond even the story,"  said National Journal's Ron Fournier, who covered the Clinton and Bush scandals and was once the AP Washington bureau chief, said on the show. "One common thing with Benghazi and the IRS scandal, is we're being misled every day. We were lied to on Benghazi, on the talking points behind Benghazi, for months. We were lied to by the IRS for months and now they're sending a clear message to our sources: 'Don't embarrass the administration or we're coming after you.'"

This is what big government looks like: A mix of lies, scandals, and corruption. President Obama has hid within the walls of the White House, never emerging unless for vacation or a campaign stop, while he grows government to its biggest size ever.

It is now up to us to make it stop! If not us, who? If not now, when?

The Contract From America is the key to getting our government under control. It is a binding agreement with the people of America that demands elected officials uphold some of the most fundamental principles of our nation.

But now, the White House is in full defense mode and will be out to attack the very groups that were subjected to IRS abuse, including our own!

Therefore we are calling all hands on deck and calling on you to donate to the Contract From America today! The Contract is needed now more than ever and we need to give it the fuel it needs to be a major force in the 2014 elections!

So will you stand up for the core principles of America and combat President Obama's out of control nanny state? If so, donate now!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

BREAKING: Top IRS Official To Invoke 5th Amendment!

Top IRS Official To Invoke 5th Amendment!


Lois Lerner, who oversaw the IRS nonprofit department that directly targeted us at the Contract From America and many other tea party and conservative groups, is refusing to testify and will invoke the Fifth Amendment in her refusal to testify to the U.S. House Oversight Committee. The U.S. House Oversight Committee is investigating the IRS and its illegal political targeting of groups like ours!

She is clearly hiding something! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!

Lerner is being asked by the committee why she provided false or misleading information to the committee four times last year. However, her silence should tell the committee all they need to know!

The IRS specifically targeted tea party and conservative organizations, including ours, in one of the greatest abuses of power in American history. By pleading the 5th, Ms. Lerner not only took the selfish way out, but she has also compromised a major investigation that seeks to prevent similar abuses in the future.

This is yet another prime example of bloated government gone wild and it is driving Americans across the country insane! Please donate today to help us keep the pressure on!

This madness needs to end NOW and people must be held accountable! The Contract From America is committed to bringing small, accountable government principles back to the federal government by demanding politicians pledge to uphold our core principles.

In 2014, many of the politicians who enabled Ms. Lerner and the IRS to commit these acts are up for re-election and the Contract From America plans to expose all involved between then and now. Donate right now to help us in our mission to radically change Washington!

Until real reform and change comes to the federal government, more scandals and snakes like Loris Lerner will continue to emerge. Make a statement and demand accountability by donating to the Contract From America today!

We want answers and we WILL get them!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Monday, May 20, 2013

Our Modern Day Revolution!

This Must End!


Look around. Never before has the federal government been plagued with such severe and wide ranging scandals. From foriegn policy cover-ups, to the IRS being used to punish political opponents, to the Department of Justice spying on journalists, the U.S. government is starting to resemble the old Soviet Union rather than the U.S.A.

Barack Obama has expanded the size and power of the federal government to a record size and up until recently he was able to take shelter within the walls of the White House and behind the shield of the mainstream media. But now the jig is up!

Barack Obama has made a mockery of the Constitution and has used the power of the U.S. government to punish those who disagree with him politically, including the Contract From America!
This is personal, and we will fight back!

We need you to donate right now to the Contract From America so that we can show President Obama that we will not shut up and we WILL undo the severe damage he has done to our country!

We cannot bare to see the United States fall into such disarray, and our founding principles tossed out the window. We started the Contract From America to combat this from happening and now is our biggest test!

If you believe in the founding principles of our nation and stand with your fellow conservative patriots then I urge you in the strongest terms possible to donate to our cause TODAY!

We will stop this affront on our liberty and President Obama will be exposed. Donate today!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Big Brother Is Coming For YOU!!

No One Is Safe!


ANOTHER scandal has emerged from Washington DC! It has been reported that the Department of Justice has been confiscating phone records and monitoring the communications of reporters at the Associated Press!

As if using the IRS to punish those who disagree with you wasn't bad enough, this administration has gone a step further and has been secretly monitoring reporters whose job it is to report on the administration!

As George Will said this weekend: "How dumb do they think we are?!"

The hubris of the Obama administration to completely trample on our Constitution and Bill of Rights has been on full display this week. As a group that has been personally affected by the Obama regime's dirty tricks, we must stand united behind our principles and support for the Constitution.

We need you to make a donation right now so that we can grow bigger and stronger before, even in the face of intimidation from the federal government!

The Constitution and Bill of Rights is what the President fears the most, and they are the only way to reign in this out of control government. They are the principles that made the Contract strong and attracted so many great candidates, but they will also be the principles that save our nation!

That is why we need your immediate donation now more than ever!

Help us stick it to the big-government liberals who wish to keep us quiet and keep the free press in check. They will not succeed in their game of intimidation because it will be patriots like us who defeat them! Donate right now to the Contract From America and stand with us!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The IRS Targets The CFA!

When The Government Attacks...


As many of you already know, the federal government has intentionally used the tax code to harm conservative Americans!

That's right, the Obama administration, through the "impartial" Internal Revenue Service (IRS), has been engaged in a concerted effort to destroy conservative and tea party organizations by targeting them for intense audits and tax crackdowns.

The IRS sought to silence and intimidate the American people in one of the biggest scandals in memory and it is
an abuse of power of the highest order!

Reports say that since early 2010, over 75 groups have been targeted for being associated with the words "Tea Party" or "Conservative." Even our own group, The Contract From America, has had its tax-exempt status held up for three years for being affiliated with the tea party!

Americans were persecuted by their own government for their beliefs and the Obama administration must be held accountable! We WILL demand congressional hearings and we WILL get answers!

We need you to make a donation today to help us continue to promote the limited government principles that the IRS is so afraid of and DEMAND answers!

government has been caught red handed trying to shut down a group of its citizens who wish to return it to constitutional principles and it must be held to account. You can bet that there are many more involved in this and that this scandal reaches into every level of the federal government.

 As this report has shown, our freedom can't be taken for granted because the government is always trying to take it away! We must seize this moment. Donate to the Contract From America today and let's begin to take back our government from those who seek to silence us!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Statement: We Are Calling For IRS Congressional Hearings

We Demand Congressional Hearings


Below is our press release on the new revelations that the IRS has been targeting Tea Party non-profit organizations.


For Immediate Release
May 11, 2013

Contract From America Calls For Congressional Hearings On IRS Targeting Tea Party Groups

HOUSTON, TX – The Contract From America is calling for congressional hearings to investigate the admission by the IRS that it purposefully singled out for additional review politically conservative organizations applying for non-profit status that used the words "Tea Party" or "patriot" in their applications.

"It is outrageous that the Obama Administration, through the IRS, has played politics by targeting conservative groups like the Contract from America," said Contract From America founder Ryan Hecker. "We have now waited three years for our tax-exempt status because the IRS has held-up our file for being a Tea Party group. When did this become acceptable in a free society?"

The Contract From America demands a full investigation by Congress to determine how high up in the Obama Administration the political corruption and abuse of power was known about, a list of all people who had knowledge of these actions by the IRS during and after the abuse, and for those involved to be held fully responsible.

"The United States of America is a democratic republic and not a dictatorial socialist state where this type of corruption occurs," added Hecker. "The Contract From America demands action and will help make these hearings a reality."


In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

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URGENT: Liberals In Joe Biden's Home State Are Trying To Destroy Our Electoral System!

Liberals Very Close To Passing Legislation To Steal Elections!


The Democrats in Vice President Joe Biden's home state of Delaware are blatantly trying to steal elections and corrupt the state's electoral system!

Currently before the Delaware state legislature is a bill (HB 105) that would allow for same-day voter registration with some of the most liberal standards in the nation!

If this bill were to pass, illegal immigrants, prohibited felons, and people who already voted could register to vote simply by showing up to the polls with a copy of an electric bill that could easily have been forged, purchased, or plucked from the trash!

Joe Biden's son, Beau, is currently the Delaware Attorney General, so you can bet he will be calling in his connections in Washington D.C. to help influence the outcome.
If we allow this bill to pass and the liberals to win, we risk losing all the credibility in our electoral process!

Stop The Liberals From Taking Down Our Electoral System! Donate NOW!

The fight going on in Delaware will set a precedent for the entire nation! All conservatives MUST come to the aid of Delaware Republicans and help them defeat this legislation! To help, we have set up a Delaware Emergency Fund to collect all the resources we can for this fight.

My friend, we must not take this lightly. Same day voter registration is a slap in the face to our democracy and will lead to voter fraud on a scale never seen before.

Donate today and let's show the people of Delaware and concerned citizens across the country that we will not allow this evil bill to pass!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

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Contract from America | 1401 Calumet St #203 | Houston | TX | 77004