Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Toss Out the Tax Code!

Make the Tax Code Fair for Everyone!

Our current tax code is 16,845 pages long, more than seven times the size of the Bible. This monstrosity is full of loopholes and is extremely time consuming and difficult to decipher.

Yet with all of the tax code's glaring and obvious flaws, most of the solutions that come out of Washington only make the problems worse! You spoke out with force for fundamental tax reform and now we must begin the real work of turning it into a reality!

Decades of bad legislation and poor oversight has led to the mess of a tax code that we have today. We must adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words-the length of the original Constitution.

Help Make Our Tax Code Fair! Donate Today!

In order to make all of this possible we need your help to push it through Congress! A simpler tax code will work wonders for the American economy and businessmen while a shorter tax code will take a huge weight off the taxpayer. The contributions you give will give us the tools to craft and pass such legislation.

Those who signed the Contract From America want people to work less for the government and more for themselves, so please donate today so the real work can begin!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

Paid for by Contract From America
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee
Donations are not deductible for income tax purposes

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