Sunday, February 9, 2014

TOP 10: Government Waste Projects

Top 10 Examples Of Government Waste


Last week, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) penned an article in Politico Magazine entitled "The 10 Most Outrageous Governemnt Boondogles I Ever Saw"

Each year the government wastes billions on
ridiculous projects that the public never hears about! Take a look at some of the outrageous expenditures that Sen. Coburn points out:

#3: Duplication Nation
Every year the federal government wastes at least $200 billion in duplicative federal programs, agencies, offices and initiatives.

#4: The Adult Baby
    We were curious to learn, in 2011, of a subculture of adults who dress, eat and otherwise behave as babies. We were further shocked to discover that some, including a man named Stanley Thornton—who was featured in a television program—had funded his infantile lifestyle by relying on disability payments from the Social Security Administration.

#6: Shrimp On A Treadmill
In 2007, the National Science Foundation committed more than $500,000 to study the mobility of shrimp by conducting experiments that involved placing the crustaceans on treadmills.

Sen. Coburn goes on to offer his alternatives for each, and believe us, this is just the tip of the iceburg! It's stories like these that make hard working Americans sick to their stomach.

We must speak out as Americans against such rampant waste and abuse of taxpayer dollars. The Contract From America was begun as a vehicle for this voice and we applaud all those who are working so diligently to make big government a thing of the past!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

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