Wednesday, March 26, 2014

DEVELOPING: Obamacare Being Used To Sign Up Voters

Abuse Of Power


Should the government be able to use Obamacare to register new voters?

Well, that's exactly what is happening in California! Covered California, the state's Obamacare exchange will be mailing out 4 million voter registration cards to those who have enrolled in their plans.

If this sounds fishy to you, it should!

This controversy isn't new, but with such a large number of people in one state being inappropriately targeted for voter registration, the issue is gaining new attention. While we all want legal citizens to have the right to vote, sending registration forms with entitlement checks is simply wrong!

President Obama has extended the tentacles of the federal government into every facet of government across the nation. It is a threat to states rights and a violation of our liberty!

The Contract From America aims to stop this growth by electing true constitutional conservatives to office in Washington D.C. and state capitals across America. We've made great progress, but so long as a left wing radical is in the White House, we will have a MAJOR fight on our hands!

Make a donation to the Contract from America today and join grassroots conservatives across this great country in our fight to expose corruption like we are seeing in California, and destroy the mechanisms that produce it!

James Madison once said, "The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted." With government growing at the rate it is, bureaucrats are becoming more powerful with less oversight. Now, we must be the watchdogs!

With midterm elections around the corner and news coming out every day about these big government disasters, real conservative change is within reach. We just need YOU. Donate today and let's make history together!

In Freedom,

Contract From America Team

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