***Thanks for Taking Action*** ***NOW: LET'S DOUBLE THE NUMBERS*** NEARLY 100 ORGANIZATIONS HAVE SIGNED THE PETITION TO PROTECT OUR SOVEREIGNTY! FORWARD THIS MESSAGE TO YOUR FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES!! WE'VE STOPPED THEM SO FAR... BECAUSE OF YOU YOUR PETITION SIGNATURES AND EMAILS HAVE MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE The Obama Administration is negotiating, in secret, a dangerous global governance agreement called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Congressmen and their staff are now learning that the liberty movement will not stand for trade deals undermining our constitution. This trade and global governance agreement will transfer large swaths of Congress' and state power to international tribunals, all the while "harmonizing" U.S. law with international rules. It's a big threat to our Here's what's worse: Obama wants "Fast Track" trade authority to railroad these sovereignty undermining agreements through Congress. Using Fast Track, Obama can sign trade agreements before Congress even has an opportunity to vote. We Have a Chance to Win with YOUR HELP Here's what your friends can do: 1. Organizational Petition: Sign their organization on to the petition opposing Fast Track and TPP if they are an authorized representative of an organization by clicking here. 2. Individually Email Your Senators/Representative: Send a personal email to their Senators and Representative, asking that they oppose Fast Track and TPP, by clicking here. |
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