Friday, June 27, 2014

We need YOU to sign the Contract from America!


Much of the power that the Contract From America holds isn't in the impressive list of candidates and sitting legislators such as Sens. Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio, but rather in how it was created and how many citizens support it. That is why we want YOU to sign the Contract personally and pass it on to a friend to do the same!

In crafting the contract, over 500,000 people contributed their opinions on what issues meant to them the most. The result was a document that became national news in the past two election cycles. In 2014 we're off to a hot start with signatures from candidates like Rep. Jack Kingston (GA) and Joni Ernst (IA)!

Now we want you to join these conservative leaders and add your own name to the list! Go to right now and sign your name to the Contract From America! This is crucial because we will be sending the signitures to members of the U.S. House and Senate to show them the power of the document!

By affixing your name to this document you are telling the liberals in Washington D.C. that are spending us into oblivion that you won't stand for it any longer. Join the warriors from coast to coast that are fighting for our freedoms by signing your name proudly to a document that encompasses all the liberties we stand for, much like our founding fathers did centuries ago.

So what are you waiting for? Go to right now and sign right on the home page, then send it to a friend or family member to do the same! Let's wake up Washington with these signatures!

Thank you,
Ryan Hecker
Founder and President of the Contract From America

Paid for by Contract From America
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee
Donations are not deductible for income tax purposes

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